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25 or 6 to 4 -- CTA

42 Views 100 plays
  • NeedsBass Electric
  • NeedsFrench Horn
  • NeedsGuitar
  • NeedsGuitar Lead
  • NeedsSaxophone
  • NeedsSurprise me
  • NeedsTrombone
  • NeedsTrumpet
  • NeedsVocals
Published on 07 Oct 2022 / In Rock / Classic Rock

Chicago Transit Authority

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Bass Electric cDub
French Horn
Guitar Lead
Surprise me
Vocals CopyCat
8 Comments sort Sort By

CopyCat 2 years ago

Here is an excellent source for the guitars... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xcCnNC6Gg4Y

CopyCat 2 years ago

Bob - Surprise!! I aligned the original guitars, because I was bored. :-)

CopyCat 2 years ago

@CopyCat : Nobody cares

CopyCat 2 years ago

Also submitted a replacement BT with 4-count.

Bob 2 years ago

@CopyCat : I care. Lol. Unfortunately, I can't get it to play on my phone. I'll have to wait until Wednesday when I get home. Looking forward to it, and getting back on the drums.

CopyCat 2 years ago

@Bob : My bad, I forgot you were away from home.

Bob 2 years ago

Hey y'all. A couple of quick questions. 1. Which cue would you find easier to use to start playing? The number (4) count, or the drum fill CC did for us, which I think is a two count? Hard for me to choose not being a guitarist. The 4 count has been published so you can hear it on the published page, but in Studio, that track was deleted to drafts, so you can listen to the drum fill count for comparison. Let me know what you think. Secondly, if whoever comes in plays to the BT only, then no matter what, they won't hear the count unless it's attached to the BT, but if we do that, there's a good chance all our tracks will have to be synced to the new BT. Any ideas how to do this without having to resync tracks. I think leave both cues in and give the guitarist the option. I can mute all our tracks temporarily so they can play to the BT and the count without having to hit the button or drop tracks into drafts. This sound doable? Ok, that was actually three questions.

CopyCat 2 years ago

Maybe there doesn't need to be any kind of cue at the beginning. Some people are good at coming in on time just by watching the numbers count before the song starts. Or they can come in on the second note like Clay did. I think it would sound fine either way. If they can nail the first note by chance, we know that'll work. Or if they come in on the second note with the bass, that will sound like it was intended to be that way. Honestly Bob, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Most likely, they're gonna check the "BT only" box and not hear any cue anyway. Like you said, any cue we add really needs to be in the BT track which has already been established and used by us. Technically, if you really wanted to provide that cue for the guitarist, the BT could be remade in a way that does sync up to our recorded tracks. Let me know if you want that, and I could do it in a few minutes using my studio one software. The trick is to download the current BT and start a new song in studio using that, to make it play in sync with our tracks. But really, it's probably not such a big issue to most guitarists here at BH. They will most likely just do their best with no cue, listening to the BT only as they record. But like I said, I am willing to replace the current BT with one that has a good cue or count in. Either way, whatever. Did I answer all three questions there, or did I miss something? :)

Bob 2 years ago

You did, thanks. Let's hold off and see who comes in. Btw, are you on Facebook? Have you joined the FB Bandhug group? Jimmi and Gary are both on and today Jimmi posted a request asking any old Bandhug members if they had the tracks he recorded for a banhub Collab of 25 or 6 to 4. Gary answered that he might have them. That would be the one you and Clay did. I looked on my computer and found an mp3 audio only version with me on it, but I can tell not you, Jimmi or Gary. And not Clay either. Interesting, eh?

Bob 2 years ago

^correction... Asking any old BHUB members

CopyCat 2 years ago

@Bob : Thanks for the info. I'm not on FB, but I actually emailed Jimmy and asked about this song, and if we did it on OBH (old bandhub). He wasn't sure, but said he'd ask around, so I guess that's why he posted the question. Hmmm. I really thought I covered it on OBH, but nobody saved a copy. Oh well, that's why we're doing this version which will turn out the best anyway! Now, if only Jimmy and Gary would both join us here in NBH (New bandhug). They are the best horn players I know of on the internet. And we need a brave, old guitarist who knows the song well too. Or else we might just have to sync up the original guitar so it will sound right. But hopefully a really good guitarist will join us instead.

Bob 2 years ago

@CopyCat : We'll get a good guitarist. I have faith. It's a pretty hard song to play, but I remember a few people on OBH that could do it, and a few here, too. But whether they want to put the time in, that"s another thing. So much of my drumming is not cover quality, but I strive to feed off the guitar during lead breaks in certain songs, and this song, and band is like that. It's a crazy hard lead. As so many, which is why I'm always willing to lay down other tracks to match what comes in, as long as it inspires me, ykwim? Doesn't have to cover, as long as it inspires.

CopyCat 2 years ago

@Bob : Right :)

CopyCat 2 years ago

cue :)

Bob 2 years ago

Not sure my count in makes things better or worse. I did it on my phone, uploaded, and guessed at a negative time adjustment. I tried for a six count but there isn't the space.

CopyCat 2 years ago

@Bob : I just uploaded a short drum intro (you) that fits. Another option you can consider.

Bob 2 years ago

@CopyCat : Cool. I'll check it out tomorrow when I get back home..

CopyCat 2 years ago

Bob, you might want to record a que for the opening guitar, so they can come in on time.

Bob 2 years ago

I thought of that. I'll wait to see who offers to come in. Nice thing about hitting the opening cue is that you can hit the cancel button immediately and start over. So much easier than going through the whole song and missing the tag for the outro. Lol.

CopyCat 2 years ago

@Bob : Right :)

cDub 2 years ago

Yes. The timing was tough and I'm close but not quite. There's a bass track in there for ya Bob.

Bob 2 years ago

@cDub: Pretty great. I feel like I might be off on the timing a bit too. Like at the outro. Close but not quite. I'm going to move things around in the studio when I get home and try again. Also need to lube my pedals. :)

cDub 2 years ago

@Bob : I need to lube my fingers :)

Bob 2 years ago

@cDub: @cDub: lol. Me too. Fingers, knee joints, ankles, and wrists. I don't twirl or toss sticks anymore. Once in awhile muscle memory kicks in and the outcome is usually hilarious. Thank you "cancel" button. The other day I sprained my wrist putting on a sock.

cDub 2 years ago

@Bob : lol. That's why I go barefoot around the house.

CopyCat 2 years ago

3 vocal tracks with daw settings saved. Good enough?

Bob 2 years ago

I'm sure they are. I'm away from the studio and at the moment can only use my phone, which means I can publish and not much else. Sometimes, when collabs get big, I can't apply publish from DAW. But I'll try that now. After it published, if you want me to publish further adjustments just give me a heads up in the comments section and I can get right on it.

CopyCat 2 years ago

@Bob : I can adjust my times and volumes from studio, if it's easier for you to publish from there. Whatever.

CopyCat 2 years ago

@Bob : Panning and reverb adjustments made for all 3 vocal tracks in studio. Just needs another publishing.

Bob 2 years ago

@CopyCat : Save and end another DAW submission so I don't screw it up.

Bob 2 years ago

Oh wait, I'll publish from studio.

Bob 2 years ago

@CopyCat : Dude. The vocals are AWESOME!!!!

CopyCat 2 years ago

@Bob : Yeah, you got it. Panning can't be published from DAW, only from studio.

CopyCat 2 years ago

@Bob : Thanks, Man! This song is QUITE familiar to me, therefore very easy to make sound good. And if I may say, your drumming on this is so smooth and seemingly effortless. And IMO your drums tone sounds awesome. You laid the perfect foundation for this collab, which made me want to join in. I appreciate the invite! :)

Bob 2 years ago

@CopyCat : ... :))

cDub 2 years ago

Those 3 tracks merge wonderfully!

CopyCat 2 years ago

cDub: I think I have the track aligning figured out. These BH tools really allow you to fine tune the track alignment as much as you want. Now, if it gave us the ability to split the tracks up and work with segments, that would be really nice. For now, we have to keep the entire track whole. admin :)

admin 2 years ago

@CopyCat : Yeah we have limits with our DAW but you can always download edit and upload. Maybe duplicate the tracks and edit.

CopyCat 2 years ago

@admin: Yeah, that's another nice feature that OBH didn't have. Thank you guys for giving us more flexibility. You saw the need, and delivered. Next on your to-do list should be growing the user base into what OBH had (at least). Unfortunately, at this time, Bandhug seems to be one of the world's best kept secrets. Being the only website of it's kind on the internet right now, I believe bandhug has the potential to reach the majority of online musicians in the world, instead of this tiny minority which includes many non-musicians here just for the fun of it. One day, I believe that will happen, whether to this website or to a new one that knows how to market it. The focus should really be on acquiring quality musicians, in order to really make this site grow. Right now, it seems like bandhug is much more about friendship than musicianship. That's fine, but it's not really gonna grow and reach the world being just another social networking platform. Just lending my opinion, FWIW.

admin 2 years ago

@CopyCat : Catch 22 situation, Need funding resources and site is free,. Potential investors have walked away when they see it is free. To start charging a fee, need funding for programming. There are a lot of things we could and should do. I hear you. Pablo from OBH even told me that if we just want to be a small community to keep going as we are. If we had the funding I would hire marketing experts and more programmers to develop the sites capabilities. I am open to any and all suggestions to raise funding and or recruit new users.

CopyCat 2 years ago

@admin: Go on Shark Tank!

CopyCat 2 years ago

@Namm: Very popular TV show. Google it.

admin 2 years ago

@CopyCat : Your not the first to tell me that. Never even seen shark tank. Will have to take a look.

admin 2 years ago

@CopyCat : Sorry I was logged in as NAMM when I first replied.....I just applied online for shark tank.

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