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brijamcam - Awesome ! Great Playing and I like the tone too ! Thanks man ! It's All About That Bass !

Thanks buddy! Nice work on the guitars. You really know how to pick the right effects to make it sound great.

This is sounding awesome guys @thx1138 and @bob !! Such a fun song! Would be definitely a delight to sing, although I don't know if I can deliver on the attention-commanding growls xD

Is it ok? I actually have a track im drafts with a different technique that I haven't nailed down yet. The published one was an experiment but I thought it sounded better.

Hi Anthony a couple of guitar tracks for you hope they are ok. Thanks for the invite :-)

That's a really cool sound Mike..a nice garage edge..I like it! thanks for doing both guitar parts :)

@Revup67: Thanks Anthony glad you like them cheers again for the invite :-)

I will need to mix my last solo again... it fell ahead of time. I am traveling and won't be able to fix it until next week, in the meantime, I will continue searching for our singer.

Agreed! Turned off the backing track and it is sounding great! Just need some vocals!

Thanks for the invite piano sent! You guys already sound great! Fat guitar sound :)

Tim_may - Hey Pal ! Thanks a bunch ! You're riding the waves ! I boosted your track and applied a mix...You have a new tone in this one ? Sounds great....Thanks so much for your track...How is your level in the mix ? Lemme know ?

cbgb pcderic Owenks Tim_may - Gentlemen ! BT muted ! That is us ! I love it ! Thanks so much for lending your time and talent ! Open to mix suggestions...?

Holy cow this is awesome! Everything sounds fantastic. I can’t wait to put a track down.

Added a piano track, couldn't help it. Don't feel obligated. Oh, and to avoid adding a tile just for the dude shouting, I added something myself (for now). It's not very good so let me know if you don't want that.

BTW, I don't mean to override the invitation for @SingingWomble. It's just that this collab hasn't been touch for quite a while so I'm assuming he's not active in BH(?).

Great job on that collab guys. Not easy on the guitar so special shout out to you Frank / @thx1138 !

If we get a real vocalist's recording later, it'll be easy to just keep the keys at the end (via negative trimming to prune my poor vocal performance and then offset the track to align the piano with the BT).

@pcderic: Hey Eric ! Thanks so much for joining in on this classic ! Appreciate it. I have not heard from SW in a while. Your vocals fit this one great ! And your playing…Well it goes without saying that it perfectly fits this collab ! Really adds to the exoticness of the sound of this one ! Thanks so much ! Also thanks for the praise…I can admit this one was not easy to play…Hand me a guitar today - I could not do it ! I forget how to play songs rather quickly ! LOL ! Appreciate your time, talent and effort !

@thx1138: Thanks to you! I know the feeling about forgetting. At least, we have recordings to help remember how we were able (or tried) to play the songs. Yeah, the picking is super fast. It must be hard to play this like you did!

@thx1138: Hi Frank, could you republish? I decided to just keep the piano so I trimmed and realigned.

Owenks - Awesome ! Track received and published ! Thanks so much ! Awesome ! Ridin' the Wave !

YvesC - Thanks so much for the praise Yves ! Double thanks to adding your creativity and engineering to this collab ! Sounds awesome ! I am A-ok with it !

Grant guizubao Megasis ksam YvesC - Gentlemen ! Thank you so much for your TTE (Time/Talent/Effort)...I think we are done here...We have ourselves a most fine collab indeed...Open for suggestions on the final mix...Wow !

Megasis ksam - A set of excellent tracks by two fine talented gentlemen at the same time ! Thank you both so much ! Published with your suggested levels....Right on !

Excellent collab great job everyone Bravo, Frank here are some vocal tracks for you, hope you like ;-)

Frank, another track, the last one, it has a Pad and a Harp, also saved a Mix. let me know if you like it.

@Jaugb: Hi julio It's a great collaboration. However, the sound and video are reversed (your guitar and my piano). I would like to fix that. Would you allow me to do so?

b33zo Very nice vocals!! Can I combine your two vocal tracks into one? I can also combine the two voices into one.I would like to place your track in the center with a guitar and piano on either side.

@yoshikoba: Hello my Master, sure, if you say that you're right, so please, do what you consider to be necessary, thanks.

@Jaugb: I did it. I think it turned out better because the video and sound matched up.

Guys this sounds great, sent in a drum track Julio I hope it works for you. Trying to reduce a backlog with some simple songs for a start, John b33zo, I'm overdue but I'm not forgetting you

Hi Julio I added an electric piano track and a mix. The electric piano is impressive in the original song, so I thought it would be better to add it. I put your guitar and the electric piano on the left and right. I hope you like it.

Hello my Master, you are perfectly correct, piano is quite important in this song, thank you for your track and mix, amazing again.

Sounds great! Ill start working on the bass track. Should have it in by the weekend.

@marjolein: Sent a bass track in. Let me know if you want me to change anything about it.

@Tim_may: Bass is spot on. And I see I have competition in the lighting department? haha. Nice job!

@brijamcam: I saw that too! Going to tweak that bass tonight to try to make the mix a little less muddy. Song is sounding pretty darn good though!

@Tim_may: Haha yes your tracks complement each other nicely :p The adjusted track and mix sound really good, thank you!

@marjolein: I am working on my tone. I added a more lively bass. Please republish it when you get a chance. I may have to cut some lows out again, but I like my tone much better on this one.

Boys and girls, I think this is the best that can be achieved here. I hope you like it. Dan can always take the final touch as an organizer. I can say that this is one of the best collaborations I've been involved in!

Very nice mix, Georgi. Thank you for putting the work into it!

Just uploaded electric. Dan, if you wouldnt mind bringing the levels down a bit, we can hear how it sounds and will redo if needed.

An excellent selection by Neil Young..this rendition does it justice..most enjoyable

Hey you guys, this one sounds really good. Y'all did a great job here! Mike C you have beautiful chunky guitar tone for days. Are you still playing through some little modelling amp these days or what? Creamy overdrive goodness all around.

Thanks Rob ert I still use my Digitech processor for bandhug and Bandlab recordings . Playing live I usually use a zoom processor with my vox ac30 or marshall amp :-)

Hi all I will now mark this one as complete thanks again for your great contributions to this song. I have uploaded a video with a new mix on my YT site which can be found at the following address if you are interested. Cheers Mike

Hi all dan00075 teslarian ftFonz I think this one is now complete I will mark complete in the next few days to give you a chance to down or mix if you want. Thanks again for your great contributions to this one it is very much appreciated cheers Mike

Let me fix the off note at the end in post edit. I will upload my new track soon.

mrcguitartab Thanks for your patience, Mike. Bass track for you. I had to simplify it as the original is rather busy and it would have taken me a lot longer to learn. I hope it's ok, but of course, please let me know if you want any changes. Cheers.

@mrcguitartab: Mike, I have uploaded my updated track. Please publish again when you get a chance. Thanks for inviting me. The collab sounds great.

@Daniel Ramos (@dan00075): Thanks Dan I have republished with your new track. Thanks again for your help on this one best wishes Mike

2 guitar tracks for you guys. Hope you'll like it. Great job guys! Your tracks are awesome.

Claude that brought on the biggest smile :) magnificent work and a beautiful compliment to what Michael, Bill and I already had in place. Glad your performance is on here..thanks a guitars and it's inspirational to see musicians really getting into a song. A great feeling as it runs deep within us.

@michaeldixon - that's fantastic! really nice work and that ending fits in fine..thanks much

Revup67 - Tracks for you..Not exact..Hopefully you will like...Thanks again for the invite...Sounding great !

Holy Cow Frank! Jimmy Page's eye balls will pop out..was surprised to hear all 3 parts..thanks a heck of a lot!

billbassdude --you smoked that one Bill..nice sound and tight playing start to finish. Thanks a lot

Another beautiful Barbra song! One of my mothers favorites. It's her birthday today, so it's meant to be ;) I'll try my best! Barbra's songs are hard to sing!

Hi marjolein, congratulations to your mom, health and peace, I'm sure you'll do another great vocal, thanks more more this one.
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Very nice job Andrea^^ Couldnt have done it better !
CIAO A TUTTI....SCUSATE PER IL MIO ENORME RITARDO.....ho fatto il possibile contro COBHAM....OMG!
Hey guys, Claude asked me to join this collab. As I responded, very taken these last few months but if I can I'll give it a go when I have some spare time. It will not be Cobham but I'll try to stay faithfull to the song. Great collab BTW !
I can't wait for a drummer to join us!!!!!!
Hi Sandro! I send you a mix to improve the tracks syncro. If you find it better, could you publish again with that mix please ? Thanks!