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Thanks guys. This came out great! Published this today...with a friendly nudge from Bob.

DAW saved for you. Mixed everyone and changed sync for everyone. Muted BT. Didn't mess with levels too much Vocal sync the same but I had to do a lot of shifting. See what you think.

Sounds good guys! I lifted everyone up in the mix. It sounds good on my studio monitors, my soundbar and my headphones. Let me know how the mix sounds from your end.

No worries I’ll be deleting those anyway. I will have them
Muted in my saved setting volume off so you no not to use them In the final. Studio version is overdubbed. There are 2 Rythm track and the lead. I will seperate the lead from the rhythm tracks for you

It does. In your daw you can hit boost in the bass. This way I don’t have to cut my volume down to much

Thanks for taking the time to post something to make us feel good. You are most kind.

The New Green River Deal. FYI - joeykaraoke // mrcguitartab // GRuf -- Thanks.

@Gruf: I'm not familiar with that version. I'll have to check it out, and I'll get to this tomorrow, see if it fits. It can be hardbto switch gears like that.Hey, did you ever publish Mississippi Queen? I can't find it.

I tried to publish it. But, it seems they started charging a monthly fee to publish. I guess I'll have to pay it.

The version I left in the draft folder is a Ruf draft. My band is playing around with a cover of this song done by "The Holidays". I just wanted to see how/if my bass line fits over the top of the original. Feel free to not use it. Or, if you think it fits. I'll redo it and (hopefully) make less mistakes.

I will mark it complete and put it up on my YouTube channel, thank you again...

Hi all, here is the piano track for you. Pretty song and great work from all of you!

Thank you, it's a Framus I don't remember the type, I'll look later today and tell you. :-)

I hope I got the mix right. Let me know if there needs to be any changes. :-)

Hi Linda, drumtrack send and turned the volume of my track down slightly to 65%. I think this track is more in the right style. Hope it's ok, let me know ;)

Hi Julio dropped a drum track for your deliberation, I still owe you drums for Twisted Sister I will be away for a few weeks but will sort that when I return

Hi John, thanks my friend great track, no problems, in Twisted Sisters song, drums are set apart for you.

The mix is not perfect yet otherwise I won't leave any space for Robert Plant's voice on BT.

Locprog - Hi Sandro - Here are my tracks...Simplified from the original...But hopefully you will like them ?

Locprog - Sounding great gentlemen ! Thanks for the invite Sandro. I will see what I can to do replicate Jimmy's unique sounds.....!

Great collab, very nice work everyone. Amazing vocals @Marjolein, beautiful song.

This is really good guys, Brian great strings... Marjolein, beautiful voice and harmonies!

Hey, nice song. If you're not in a hurry, I'll try. I don't have much experience in this genre. The piano here is complementary as far as I can hear, so while you organize the other players, I'll have an answer. I have a few engagements before that.

My friends, i've made an vid of this great collab with the mix of CC. Hope you like it, otherwise let me now.

CopyCat SixStringRick yoshikoba ftFonz: Since CC has given his stamp of approval, allow me to thank all of you for a super job on, "The Last Beatles Tune." Hope 2 c u soon :-)

Hi Stu,I also added some percussion sounds, tambourine and shakers. Unfortunately they are not acoustic instruments, but through my drum kit. Maybe you can do something with it. If you don't want to use it or want it acoustically, no problem.

Hi Stu, drumtrack for review... hope it's ok because, believe it or not, I've never heard this song before, outrageous huh? Beautiful song and brilliant performance my friends. Hope my track is ok. Otherwise pls let me know.

Wow! Everyone sounds so good. It shouldn't be too long for the guitar part. I'm working on it.

Georgi that is way more than basic wonderful layering Terrific start my friend, thank you !!!

@Bdajaysus: John, Glad you like it! I'll add and rework the layers when we have more tracks.

@Georgi : This is not an easy task Georgi and I still might need to redo drums but I do love your keys and I was going to fade out but you aligned your ending with drums, thank you my friend :-)

Hi Dennis Nice song!! I added piano and synth. If you haven't decided on a performer yet, please consider them.

ooooh man I love Blind Faith too Bob, but that Stevie Windwood man he's just a killer on vocals. We need our guitar man Keith on this!

Experimenting with a new recording setup thanks to a generous gift from my brother of his old Mackie 1608, iPod, and 7 drum mic set. Obviously I haven't figured out the Master Fader app. Manual is 359 pages long. Didn't realize my chanmels had been preset with reverb, plus, I'm going into a USB Alesis mixer, which also had EQ on it that I forgot to neutralize. Anyway. if I can get the reverb figured out, and EQ these individual mics, I think this is going to be a much better rig.

Admin help, please. Did the BT here get corrupted? Listen to the vocals when they come in. I don't believe it sounded like this when I recorded my drum track.

Not sure. You now have 3 BT files. Track 1 is the original when it was first imported from youtube. Track 2 is the one you say is corrupted and track three is a fresh import from you tube. Track 1 and three I needed to adjust the sync by almost a second 0.981. Track 2, was modified somehow. You can tell by clicking the three dots and download. The downloaded file begins with "fixed" which usually means one of the tools was run on it. Fix mono maybe? Can you tell me what tool you applied to it?

Can also tell that you used firefox to import - upload. by looking at the track info. Your track was recorded in firefox windows 7

Sorry I was focused on the BT - I was able to get the original track and upload it. Ok moved the bad track to drafts. Try now

@admin: So...nothing makes sense. I uploaded one track from YT. That track successfully uploaded and it was just one track. I recorded to it and EQd my drum track and published. This was yesterday. It sounded fine. This morning or this afternoon I listened to it and noticed my drum track sounded weird, muffled, so I went back to Studio and used the revert to original. There were still just two tracks, the BT and mine. I never touched the BT except to add a second, which I did before I recorded my drum track the very first time. So after reverting, I published again, then went into DAW to adjust levels. I published again and that's when I noticed the BT sounded different. So now I find three BTs. Ok. I trashed two, the fresh upload you put on and a duplicate with the added second. The BT still sounds weird, but not as weird as it did before with the piano part overwhelming everything else.

@Bob : Yes I put the other tracks there as a reference. You added a second? Ok that may be where the "fixed" came from. I was wondering what was changed. Could be a bug in that process. I haven't used that "add time to BT" in a long time.

@admin: I went to YT and listened to various versions of the original Studio recording and they're all a bit rough. It's like they are all just bad recordings of not great studio recordings to begin with. But if you listen to the vocal in the BT, it's like there's an echo effect on it. Almost as if two identical tracks are playing simultaneously but just very slightly out of sync. Anyway, time for me to crash. Tomorrow is another day.

b33zo - Hi John ! Nice work here and thanks for the invite...Will try and get you some tracks over the weekend !

camillesobud Locprog cbgb - Thank you all for this ! Sounding great ! Never thought this collab would get this far...I think Bob said his fave was Sailor Mercury ??

hé hé, my fave was Sailor Jupiter ! :D Sure the collab turns really well now with all the tracks !

cbgb - Bobby Boy ! Thanks so much for stepping outside your box and lending your talent on this collab ! Much appreciated ! Nice Work ! Haha !

Locprog - Haha ! I LOVE IT ! Another Sailor Moon fan here ! Just awesome my friend thank you so much ! This one is now really getting there ! WOO !

Wow, great collab ! Have you already someone for Rosé's part ? If not I'll be glad to join !

ksam - Haha ! You are so Awesome my friend ! Uh-Huh Uh-Huh ! LOL ! Perfect work ! Thank you so much Love it ! Your vid backdrops are so cool ! This is amazing that this collab is actually evolving ! Now let us meet up at the A-Patcha-Patcha !

@thx1138: Yeah! let's go to A-Patcha-Patcha ! Lol , glad you like it, Bravo! great job everyone ;-)

@marjolein: @Carol Grand: thanks! for your likes and your kind words, I really appreciate it :-)

Hey they just care about the environment.. Keep on recycling ;) I really liked the Ting Tings one when I was young!

@marjolein: When you were young? Are you calling us old? Cause I think you may be the youngest on Bandhug. haha

@brijamcam: haha I wouldn't dare ;p The song is like 15 years old so I was much younger then haha, like early teenage years. I like to think I have matured a little bit since then lol

Bass added. Set volume as desired. I think I sync at -00:00.023. Apparently this song is a drinking game. Cheers!

brijamcam - Aye that is the Spirit ! Thanks so much ! Sounds Great Played Great ! Like how you coordinated the vid to your playing...A-Patcha-Patacha....Uh-Huh..Uh-Huh !

Great stuff Brian!! You and Frank make quite the duo :p Keeping the youthful spirits up around Bandhug! Cannot wait to see the collab with both singers, will be fun no doubt!

@marjolein: We try our best. If there is a new girly song out, we usually try it.
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Hey Bill...guitar in for a listen