Another Brick In The Wall (Completed)
174 plays
Published on 31 Aug 2021 / In
Rock / Classic Rock
Another Brick In The Wall - Pink Floyd
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Great collab. Fuss´ sinister touch with his vocals makes it even better :)
Excellent collab guys! mrcguitartab - improvising on Gilmour and making it work my goodness! And Fuss_Mussington that freaky track sets the bar high!
Mike did you see that pig flying? Fitting of Floyd. I did it. Vocals submitted. Please don't cancel them they may take a bit like last time. They look empty but they are not. No excuse for how long this took I just hope you like me version. If it's too much let me know and by Easter we'll have a hit on our hands. TY
I will finish this up tonight guys sorry for the monstrous delay./ My drum mics finally arrived so Snowblind is going to become a reality too.
Brilliant work her everyone