
ben crawley steel company

36 Views 2 plays
  • NeedsVocals
  • NeedsDrums
  • NeedsGuitar Acoustic
  • NeedsBass Electric
  • NeedsBacking Vocals
Published on 13 Feb 2021 / In Country / Crossover

a sort of country song by "The Move" feat. Bev Bevan's distinctive vocals, listing as country, but with a ?

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Talent Invited Reserved
Vocals corjapin
Drums DrummrFord
Guitar Acoustic SixStringRick SixStringRick
Bass Electric dan00075 dan00075
Backing Vocals
8 Comments sort Sort By

Rick 4 years ago

Hey Steve, coming along nicely. I see you reached out to my son "DrummrFord"...he is swamped with a fencing project at his place, so if you dont hear from him in the next week may have to invite another . Thanks for putting this one together and inviting me.

Daniel Ramos (@dan00075)

SteveD hi Steve, do you need a hand with publishing this one? Just gives us a shout if you need any help. :)

Daniel Ramos (@dan00075)

SteveD , why don't you just ask someone with a bass/baritone voice to help with vocals? Just an idea. How about Cor Japin?

SteveD 4 years ago

Well I did invite Protis, no response which is why i tried the speed thing, i'd much rather have a real baritone

Daniel Ramos (@dan00075)

@SteveD: I was not aware that Protis was doing vocals, let alone baritone. corjapin , wat zeg jij? would you be interested in joining us on this one?

Cor Japin
Cor Japin 4 years ago

@dan00075 : did you just call me a baritone? :P hahaha LOL i`m a bass but it sounds like a fun song. let me learn it and i`ll come back to it soon.

Daniel Ramos (@dan00075)

@Cor Japin: no no no, I did not :) If you see my first post at the top, I suggested a bass or a baritone :P . Hope you can join us, it is a fun song!

Cor Japin
Cor Japin 4 years ago

@dan00075 : i recorded two times. you may choose

Daniel Ramos (@dan00075)

@Cor Japin: Great job! SteveD what do you say? I think Cor's track syncs at around -0.157. Please let me know if you need any help with sync/publishing. Cheers.

SteveD 4 years ago

@dan00075 : I'm impressed with the tracks ( and the speed they were done ) the two sound so similar I'm gonna pan them and set up an old fashioned double track, if that don't work I'll just choose one ( both were good )

Cor Japin
Cor Japin 4 years ago

@SteveD: if you need a new one, or better quality, just say so ;)

SteveD 4 years ago

@Cor Japin: I thought the one I used was fine, as a matter of fact the 2 were so similar ( just 2 lines out of sync ) i almost used them as a doubled track

SteveD 4 years ago

dan00075 Hi, pest here again. Tried adding some reverse chipmunk vocals, but can't seem to get them in sync for the whole song, get the end right and the intro is way off, maybe the speed control in my DAW is not 100% accurate. Or maybe I'm not setting the sync right in the ' hug, I'm confused ( my normal state )

Daniel Ramos (@dan00075)

It's not the sync in Bandhug. It is the track duration. It does not match the backing track's. I guess it is something to do with speed control in your DAW. Try to fix it, otherwise let me know and I will see what I can do. Cheers.

Daniel Ramos (@dan00075)

SteveD , hey Steve, there was a problem with one of the tracks, but it should be fixed now. All you need to do now is go into either, Studio Main or DAW and click the Publish button. Let me know if you run into any troubles. By the way, I also added a bass track for you. Cheers.

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