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Boston - Peace of Mind

107 Views 5 plays
LikenIt (Bob)
    Published on 02 May 2020 / In Rock / Classic Rock

    A great classic rock song from Boston. Male or female vocalists are welcome.

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    Laura Steinmetz
    Laura Steinmetz 4 years ago

    LikenIt I sang the lead you asked me. I did again my BV to have the same kind of mix with the lead (done offline this time). It's not perfect, but it was very long to load the collab and the tracks here. Many tracks on this collab. Is it OK?

    LikenIt (Bob)
    LikenIt (Bob) 4 years ago

    Hi Laurast! Your LV and BV are beyond what I expected. Thank you so so much. You really made my day! I tweeked the LV down in volume then published but I don't see the whole collab video in review mode. I hope there is no issue and just have to wait for it to process on the server. @admin Dennis, Is there an issue with the video or do I just have to be a bit more patient? Thanks again, Laurast!

    Laura Steinmetz
    Laura Steinmetz 4 years ago

    @LikenIt (Bob): Thank you. Glad you like it. The 1st time you published, I saw the new video in review, but with the last audio. Then media error. Maybe this collab is very loud. 24 tracks is enormous. I don't know if it works with that number. You also have a lot in the draft. Maybe you can clean the draft.

    LikenIt (Bob)
    LikenIt (Bob) 4 years ago

    @Laurast: Ok, I'll try to delete the drafts then publish and we'll see what happens. Before, I published and the video was fine then realized your LV was too loud so I decreased your volume, republished and the video was gone.

    LikenIt (Bob)
    LikenIt (Bob) 4 years ago

    Ah Yes, it worked!!!! Thank you so so so much, Laurast!

    Laura Steinmetz
    Laura Steinmetz 4 years ago

    @LikenIt (Bob): Great ! We can even lower it again. I don't know why it sounds that loud comparing to the instru. I didn't have that feeling in the DAW.

    LikenIt (Bob)
    LikenIt (Bob) 4 years ago

    @Laurast: I'll eventually turn it down some more. I started working on another collab you are involved with, Sledge Hammer. lol

    Laura Steinmetz
    Laura Steinmetz 4 years ago

    @LikenIt (Bob): Great ! Can you record on it? Billy couldn't and I tried to help him for his 1st collab, but I couldn't neither.

    LikenIt (Bob)
    LikenIt (Bob) 4 years ago

    @Laurast: Yeah, I have the same problem too. I got my bass all set for the right sound tried twice and got the same problem. You're probably right about the Studio 1 thing.

    Laura Steinmetz
    Laura Steinmetz 4 years ago

    admin Hi Dennis. Ii is impossible to record anymore on this collab since a long time. Any idea why? The record button works, but the song doesn't play (no sound).

    admin 4 years ago

    Laurast there is no backing track so it will take things from the track 1. Track 1 needs to be at 00.00.000. I took one of Franks tracks since it was at 00.00.000 and listed it as a bt. Try now.

    Laura Steinmetz
    Laura Steinmetz 4 years ago

    @admin: Oh thank you ! It works ! I can also put back the BT kept in the drafts. Thank you ! I though this one was finished, but Bob asked me to sing the lead after erasing it. Thank you ! I think it will also solve the problem for someone else.

    Laura Steinmetz
    Laura Steinmetz 4 years ago

    @Likenlt For some reason, one of my tracks was very desync even when I loaded my own settings I sent, so maybe my mistake. So I propose you new settings. I don't have the hand to apply a mix for the lead vocals, so for now, I lowered all instruments and resynched a few instrumental tracks that were a little little desync. If you want suggestions to change the EQ and reverb for the lead vocals, let me know. Applying a mix should help. This mix is a suggestion. I don't know if the instruments balance is OK. Let me know too. Cheers

    LikenIt (Bob)
    LikenIt (Bob) 4 years ago

    Hi @Laurast! I used your mix settings and I think it sounds great! Your BV sounds in sync now. Thank you so much for your vocals and mix. BTW, I haven't been online that much lately as I have been going through difficult times since COVID started early this year. We are all healthy and safe and hope you and everyone in this community are too.

    Laura Steinmetz
    Laura Steinmetz 4 years ago

    @LikenIt (Bob): Oh I'm sorry to hear that. I hope you and familly are better now. No worries about the timing. I sujest to add a mix to to the lead vocal tracl. If you want, you can look into mytracks to have a mix sugeston for vocals.

    Laura Steinmetz
    Laura Steinmetz 4 years ago

    Hello ! Sorry for the loooonnnng wait. I send you some backing vocals I tried to learn this evening with a mix to sync my tracks and add features. Let me know if it's OK or not.

    thx1138 5 years ago

    LikenIt Creek Creek LikenIt - My friends so sorry for not getting back sooner..Creek it was not you regarding the Tambo-timing there was a known bug which has now been fixed....Bob I have republished the video and when you play it all should be good now ? What do you think ? I just muted the BT for demo purposes but you can re-enable easily...How does it sound now ?

    LikenIt (Bob)
    LikenIt (Bob) 4 years ago

    It sounds great, Frank. It's been so long since I've been on this site. I have to learn how to use it all over again. There must have been some changes since I've been away.

    thx1138 4 years ago

    @LikenIt (Bob): BOBBY IS BACK !

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