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Distant Skies-. Stratovarius (Completed)

132 Views 16 plays
Pablo Cavalieri
    Published on 21 Jan 2020 / In Metal / Power Metal

    Distant Skies-. Stratovarius - Fourth Dimension Album

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    9 Comments sort Sort By

    Pablo Cavalieri
    Pablo Cavalieri 5 years ago

    Sync issues fixed.

    Pablo Cavalieri
    Pablo Cavalieri 5 years ago

    I just put Hardware aceleration on, and the lead track It synchronized alone, weird. Hallelujah!!! hahah

    Pablo Cavalieri
    Pablo Cavalieri 5 years ago

    I already tried recording the lead again, only with the backing track, another only with my rhythm and drums, and always comes out with a very high delay. I don't know what the problem is but, for now it will stay like this here.

    Pablo Cavalieri
    Pablo Cavalieri 5 years ago

    Lead out of sync (test)

    Pablo Cavalieri
    Pablo Cavalieri 5 years ago

    I already recorded 3 times the leads, but the out of sync is terrible today. The track is about three seconds ahead.
    And somethimes, the site dont recognize any of my devices.
    Weird, these things started after the change of the "preview" thing.

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