Don't Worry Baby (Completed)
5 plays
Published on 29 Nov 2020 / In
Rock / Classic Rock
Beavh Boys classic
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Nice everyone !
good Stubass this is very nice! wishes to you too :-)
Michmuch taye6 giulia2231 Flmusicgal: Thx, everyone, we're done. I was able to find the actual BB vocal backing track so Linda has got them as the backup vocalists. Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas and hope to see you all again :-)
@stubass Guitar recorded+ level and synchro suggestion sent. Let me know if you want me to change anything. :-)
Michmuch: Here's a link that might help you with the electric guitar part: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B_AIVXU7MUc merci!