Dust in the Wind Kansas (Completed)
37 plays
"Dust in the Wind" is a song recorded by American progressive rock band Kansas and written by band member Kerry Livgren, first released on their 1977 album ...
A meditation on mortality and the inevitability of death, the lyrical theme bears a striking resemblance to the biblical passages Genesis 3:19 ("...for dust thou art, and unto dust shalt thou return.") and Ecclesiastes 3:20 ("All go to one place. All are from the dust, and to dust all return.").
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I am definitely comfortable with it. I think it's a great collab. Yves, thank you for your help and fine work.
Hi Yves, We all thank you for you kind words you made my day. Be safe and well my friend...
Hi Yves, It looks and sounds great if everyone is is happy with your wonderful mixing we could call this collab complete. Thank you very much my friend...
Wonderful stuff EVERYONE !!!
Hi my friends, we have here high skilled musicians, violins being the hardest instrument to play in the world, sternter masters it. Only 4 persons that I know can do that Travis fingering and now Yoshi is among them, plus his beautiful vocal harmonies. And of course legendary Hank's vocal. This collab is awesome with 3 persons, more or less 6 tracks, it's consequently worth to put an extra effort and try making it looks and sounds at his best.