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Enchantment By Henry A. Victor III AKA Hank87 (Completed)

41 Views 43 plays
    Published on 24 Jan 2024 / In Rock / Soft Rock

    This is a song I wrote. About a man finding his way home...


    1) On a night much like tonight not many years ago a man was walking through the forest He saw the stars glittering through the trees and he sat down and he began to wonder.

       Ch) Of the days of long ago of the dreams he had known of the life he wished he had and the love he was willing to give...

    2) Now the man of whom I speak didn’t know he was in an enchanted forest, where all his wishes could come true. So he sat down and wished for what was in his heart, and he closed his eyes and brought forth a tear

       CH) of the days of long ago of the dreams he had known of the life he wished he had and the love he was willing to give...

    3) When he opened his eyes there was a castle with towers right to the sky. And by the drawbridge stood a Prinses with so much love in her eyes. And she beckoned for him to follow and he knew he was home

       Ch) In the land of long ago in the dreams he had known in the life he wished he had and the love he was willing to give...

    Now our friend was never heard from again, although many attempts have been made to find him. It doesn't matter, you see. It's just as well "I'm happy now"

       Ch) In the land of long ago in the dreams I had known in the life that I dreamed of in  the love I was willing to give..."I'm happy now"

    Copyright 2024 HENRY A. VICTOR III

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    18 Comments sort Sort By

    Hank87 8 months ago

    Hi Yves, I'm not sure maybe the end what are your thoughts on this issue? I trust your judgment...

    YvesC 8 months ago

    Yes, good idea, since BanHug already watermarked at the beginning.

    Hank87 8 months ago

    I want to thank Jim for the wonderful violin and Ric for the great Bass and Yves for the great mixing on this colab.and unless anyone wants to add anything else I will mark this complete...

    Hank87 8 months ago

    Hi Yves, Sorry, I didn't explain myself completely the way I should have what I meant to say was would you please put on the video what everyone did, not thanking everyone but don't worry about it, I don't know what software to use to put information on the video. anyway sorry for the misunderstanding...

    YvesC 8 months ago

    Ah, ok, lol, my bad, I Will do it :)

    YvesC 8 months ago

    Hi Hank, Would you like the credits to appear at the beginning, the end, or both ?

    Hank87 8 months ago

    Hi Yves, thank you very much for the great mixing on this colab.

    Hank87 8 months ago

    Hi, Yves can you please finalize the mixing of my collab and somehow put that Jim did the violin Ric did the bass and I wrote the words and music and played the guitar and sang... I would like to put it up on my YouTube channel. And may I say thank you very much for all your help...

    YvesC 8 months ago

    Hi Hank, I did my best at mixing already. I would have like to remove the 'hiss' from you tape machine, but I haven't been able to get the noise profile and remove it.

    YvesC 8 months ago

    For the credits, this is something that should come from you, I cannot thanks colaborators (and myself?) on your behalf. Anyway, I can't edit colab info. Cheers!

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