
GENESIS - Home By The Sea

72 Views 143 plays
  • NeedsBass Electric
  • NeedsDrums
  • NeedsDrums electric
  • NeedsGuitar Lead
  • NeedsVocals
Published on 29 Dec 2022 / In Rock / Prog/Progressive

The closing track on Side 1 of Genesis's eponymously titled 1983 album. The creepy story of a burglar who breaks into a "Home By The Sea" only to find that it is very haunted, and he then falls prisoner to its spectral occupants. The song was to become one of their most popular live numbers over the following years of touring. Tony Banks (who wrote the lyrics) made extensive use of the Synclavier on this song and it was an exciting ear-opener for me when I first heard it. Although challenging to recreate with my gear, I still love playing it. The way the instrumental section becomes darker as the ghosts "relive their lives in what we tell you" still makes for a great track in my view.
The backing track is taken from the "Mama Tour" video, and remains one of my favourite versions of the song (and it was also the first time I'd seen any live video of the band). Rutherford's guitar solo near the end (longer than the album version) I've often found particularly spine-tingling, so guitarists, do your best ! :).
On the BT, I have overdubbed a count-in at the start for guitarists, and another at the start of "Second Home" as a cue for the drums. Drummers please make sure that you have the appropriately beefy Simmons sound for "Second Home" since it really does drive the piece. Also, please continue to the end with the Simmons kit as per the album version if you know it (even though the live version continues with Chester Thompson on the acoustic kit when Phil returns to the vocals, I prefer the Simmons sound at the end).

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Talent Invited Reserved
Bass Electric Locprog Locprog
Drums tek_drum
Drums electric tek_drum
Guitar Lead
Vocals Maurizio Maurizio
10 Comments sort Sort By

Bdajaysus 1 year ago

Mind-blowing @Andrea Tek_drum like you I play from memory and with me it can get very frustrating but when you achieve something like this the pain was all worth it. Great playing and fantastic sound quality guys !!!

Deuils 2 years ago

Tek and Sandro - THANK YOU sooo much! This is taking shape. Tek, if I could afford a Simmons SDS V, I'd buy one for you! :)

Andrea Tek_drum
Andrea Tek_drum 2 years ago

what if we lowered the base a little to better hear how it sounds?

Deuils 2 years ago

@Andrea Tek_drum : I might do that. I'll also work on getting rid of the first half of the drum guide now that you've done what you have.

LocProg 2 years ago

Working on the second part tha I missed :(... I would like to redo it all again. As my rule I don't like to split songs. Please be patient...

Andrea Tek_drum
Andrea Tek_drum 2 years ago

@Sandro (LocProg) : Idem….

Deuils 2 years ago

@Sandro (LocProg) : Sandro, there is no urgency at all so please don't stress. I have a backlog of other collabs here that I'm way behind in (to say nothing of the drudgery of everyday life), so you're not alone in hoping for patience! :)

LikenIt (Bob)
LikenIt (Bob) 2 years ago

This is sounding great so far. What a great selection of musicians here.

Andrea Tek_drum
Andrea Tek_drum 2 years ago

Hi guys, I've uploaded the first part, so we have at least something. As soon as I'll be able to memorize the whole piece, I'll try to play it.

Andrea Tek_drum
Andrea Tek_drum 2 years ago

Hi guys....up to 6 minutes I was able to memorize but from 6 minutes onwards I find it very difficult to memorize all those points. I'll try to do it in two parts and I still need time.

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