Gipsy kings - a mi manera (my way) (Completed)
57 plays
My way in Camargue rumba flamenco version. A big thank you to the friends who helped me on this beautiful song by Gipsy Kings. Vocals Maurizio - Bass dan00075 - Vocals Maurizio -Drums Bdajaysus - Guitar puntostar
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Collab completed! Thanks everyone, friends!
Hi puntostar firstly congratulations on a fantastic group of musicians this collab is outstanding, I send a track for your deliberation if you do not like it please delete and I will try another, I am finding this rhythm very difficult so it will not sound anything like the backing track, do let me know your decision and either way I won't be upset if you delete as this collab is so good I hope not to spoil it , thank you.
Maurizio: una garanzia! Ottima track anche se pensi non sia nelle tue corde. Ho utilizzato il tuo mix, ma ho ripristinato l'audio della BT per agevolare chi dovrà fare la parte ritmica. Grazie Mauriziooooo!!!!
Ciao, scusa se ci ho messo tanto. Finalmente ho risistemato tutto. Non è bellissima, ma questi proprio non sono nelle mie corde!!! Nel mio DAW sincro e volumi.
Here is Daniel's excellent track, just published, which I thank very much