Hard Days Night (Completed)
13 plays
Published on 23 Jan 2020 / In
Beatles Cover
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fixed and mixed- wait for videos to load good in studio mode, may need to refresh the page
Wow. Lol. My low harmony is about as out of sync as can be. It starts after the end of the song! Everything else sounds pretty tight though. Stoked!
Hi Mike new cowbell hope its the ticket, Grant :-)
By the way Grant Hanham, your drums sound tight and your cowbell is awesome! Good work, sir.
Mike, for some reason part way through my recording session your primary rhythm guitar track went several seconds out of sync (started coming in several seconds too early). After that, no amount of cancelling record and restarting seems to bring that one track back into sync. So I just had to mute it. Not sure why that was. I hope that's some temporary glitch that will go away by itself somehow.