Homeward Bound (Simon and Garfunkel) (Completed)
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"Homeward Bound" is a song by American music duo Simon & Garfunkel written by Paul Simon and produced by Bob Johnston. The song was released as a single on January 19, 1966 by Columbia Records.
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This was such a nice song to sing, collab turned out very nice!
Shimonmi: Thx for your "Like." Have you recorded anything?
Mix sounds great now!
@stubass Hi stuart . You might get mad with me . But here goes . The Bass and last guitar Volume are too loud . The First Vocal track needs a boost .
stubass Hi Stuart . Thank you for loading my tracks . I now added panning to both tracks . You will need to publish . May I suggest you add panning to you Bass track . If you go to Studio Main . Then your Bass track . Click wrench , Have BASS volume Full on LEFT channel and 50% volume on RIGHT channel . You could try also with Two vocal tracks . What this overall effect is to SPREAD OUT the SOUNDS and not CLUSTER THE MID -RANGE SOUNDS