In My Room (Wilson-Phillips)
11 plays
- NeedsVocals
Published on 23 Dec 2020 / In
Rock / Classic Rock
In my Room
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Talent | Invited | Reserved |
Vocals | LDMuse |
Hi @stubass, sorry I'm late. I just submitted the guitar track which I hope you like it. Since the BT starts with a half beat, I had to align my track way back. It's late and I'm very tired to line up all the other tracks later :)
Thank you for inviting me, but I'm a little behind on other collabs at the moment. I don't have much time to record for the next few weeks so I'm going to pass on this one.
Hi @stubass. Thanks for the invitation, which I saw by chance because I didn't receive the notification. I must say that the insertion of the bass and drums has greatly improved the song. Kudos to you for the insight and to both of you for the execution. I have to close a couple of pending collabs first and then I will dedicate myself to this one I don't know if with acoustic or classical guitar.
I'm done, Stuart do you think is ok?