La vie en Rose - Grace Jones (Completed)
93 plays
La vie en Rose - Grace Jones
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Well have a listen to us without Grace and here backingtrack. Seems all video's are in sync Margarex.....you look and sound good. In my honest opinion this collab came out real good. I think its a wrap people. Thank you all so much for sharing your talent in this collab. Can i close this Collab ??
Vocals submitted. I adjusted the time but the video seems not to be on sync, at least when I play it from my side. At the end there are some phrases that do sync with Grace's voice but not with the tempo of the track, so I´m not sure what is going on there.
Guys, my track is coming! I was waiting for the last instrument to come in.
Nice tracks Georgi
Need a piano player .....anyone ??