Lo Que No Fue No Será - José José (Completed)
401 plays
From: https://newsroom.spotify.com/2....020-10-05/jose-jose-
English translation below
“Lo Que No Fue No Será” (1978)
Fue la canción que José Maria Napoleón escribió para José José, cumpliendo así un sueño del compositor. Este desgarrador tema sobre ruptura describe lo triste e irreversible del momento en que el amor se cansa y pasa factura. Un clásico para los descorazonados.
"What Was Not Will Not Be" (1978)
It was the song that José Maria Napoleón wrote for José José, thus fulfilling a dream of the composer. This heartbreaking song about breakup describes the sadness and irreversibility of the moment when love tires and takes its toll. A classic for the heartbroken.
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Hi! I was listening again and it feels that the vocals are a bit low in the mix. Can we increase it a bit? :) thank you!
Bravo, beautifully done... Daniel Thank You for invite
Margarex , tek_drum , Owenks , Deuils , Albee , brianmcallister and FelKeys the collab is now complete. Thank you so, so much everyone. Especially to those who had not heard this song before. I am so happy to be have been able to cover this song with such good musicians. I leave the collab unlocked in case anyone would like to do a mix. Thank you.
Dan, I've done the strings. Quick question: Would you like individual tracks for the 1st Violins, 2nds & Violas, Cellos & basses (oh, and harp glissandos)? Or would you like a single stereo track of all strings with the upper part prominent (since that's the bit that most people would hear).
Okay, that's two questions.
this sounds fantastic guys, Margarex....loving the Vibrato vibe!