Marshmello ft Bastille - Happier
62 plays
- NeedsGuitar
Marshmello ft. Bastille - Happier
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Talent | Invited | Reserved |
Guitar | thx1138 |
CarolGrand - Hey Carol ! Two tracks in Studio for you !
CarolGrand brijamcam - What is this I see ? What is this I hear ? A very nice collab ? Well done !
Who is that guy with you Carol ? It could not be ? Is it ?
I thought I woulda had a better chance of
• Seeing an unhooded Cobra Commander
• ‘V’ without his Guy Fawkes mask
• Seeing what a Dalek looks like outside of its trash can
• Seeing Charlie Brown’s parents
• Seeing ‘Charlie’
I just may join if that is ok ?
CarolGrand Track posted. Experimenting with the limits of my free video editor. The video effects would only impress a 90 year old computer illiterate person living in the year 1980. Oh well. haha