
Ob-La-Di Ob-La-Da (The Beatles) June 2020 Contest (Completed)

136 Views 7 plays
    Published on 15 Jun 2020 / In Rock / Oldies

    No, it's not the deepest song ever written. But it's catchy and fun. It's a Paul song. In his contemporary review of 'The White Album' for Rolling Stone, Jann Wenner called "Ob-La-Di, Ob-La-Da" "fun music for a fun song about fun."

    This collab is open to all. We need piano, bass, drums, a horn section, a bunch of claps and hand percussion, and lots of voices. We can divvy up the vocals a lot of different ways, depending on how many singers are interested.

    HORN PLAYERS AND OTHERS: I've got all the parts written out. Let me know if you want them.

    I invited a bunch of folks to this one. Respond early to snag a big part. But if you're late to this party don't fret. It has a monster jam feeling that builds as it goes along. We'll squeeze everyone in somehow. Lots of room for hand percussion, extra rhythm string players (got ukuklele?), ad lib backing vocals and general party atmosphere vocalizations. Come on over and help beef up the choruses!

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    69 Comments sort Sort By

    U.Tucker T
    U.Tucker T 4 years ago

    Hi Surferbeto! Sorry I didn't know you invited me. I have just started Bandhug. Thanks for the invite anyway. Have fun people!

    Surferbeto 4 years ago

    Most highly esteemed utucker2002 it is nice to hear from you sir! I know a lot of my comrades from BandHub days have not yet become regular BandHug users. It's cool. This platform is getting better all the time. I hope you'll stick around. I have missed playing music with you!

    Surferbeto 5 years ago

    OK, I submitted final at 11:59 PDT. I could not ever quite surmount problem with downloading wav file as necessary prelude to applying uploaded settings and publishing in DAW mode. But the mix is most of what I wanted it to be. A giant THANK YOU to all my wonderful musical friends who helped make this collab such rocking good fun! You all are the very best. Virtual high fives and fist bumps and super cool choreographed secret handshakes all around. :-)

    admin 5 years ago

    If this is completed you need to remove BT

    Surferbeto 5 years ago

    Roger that. I'm having problems with sync again - working on it.

    Surferbeto 5 years ago

    @Flmusicgal your harmony on tje second verse just sounds so sweet. I liked your track from the start but I really like it a lot now that @joeyman1 has his melody vocal in. You guys sound terrific together.

    Surferbeto 5 years ago

    ...or skank. Or whatever it is this song is doing rhythmically.

    David Levine
    David Levine 5 years ago

    Yes, I was surprised when I looked at the music and saw what Lennon was playing.

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