
Phil Collins - Take me Home

50 Views 78 plays
  • NeedsVocals
  • NeedsDrums
  • NeedsGuitar Lead
  • NeedsKeys Synthesizer
Published on 24 Jun 2022 / In Pop / '80s

"Take Me Home" is a song written and performed by British drummer and singer-songwriter Phil Collins. It is the tenth and final track on Collins' third solo album, No Jacket Required. Released as a single in the UK in July 1985 and the U.S. in March 1986. It is considered one of Collins' more well known songs, and has been in all of his tours since the No Jacket Required Tour. The song has remained popular among fans and remains the song of choice for encores at the majority of Collins' solo concerts. In a readers poll, Rolling Stone ranked "Take Me Home" number five on their list of ten best Collins songs.

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Talent Invited Reserved
Vocals Maurizio Maurizio
Drums tek_drum
Guitar Lead puntostar puntostar
Keys Synthesizer
8 Comments sort Sort By

Andrea Tek_drum
Andrea Tek_drum 2 years ago

Se non sbaglio ci è voluto un anno per finire questa collaborazione…..un anno…..è il problema di BandHug , collaborazioni incomplete per troppo tempo….

Maximo 2 years ago

Yes, I uploaded my first track here, in BandHug, on Jun 6th, 2022, but on BandHub I uploaded my first track on Nov 29th 2016... Actually I've been working on this song for 6 and 1/2 years.

Maximo 2 years ago

Andrea, Gianfranco and Maurizio, I think this is finally complete, I've been trying to finish this since Old Good BandHub, like 5 years ago, and you all helped me. Thanks for your incredible tracks, I hope you like my last Mix, let me know your comments before I mark it as COMPLETED.

Andrea Tek_drum
Andrea Tek_drum 2 years ago

Per me è ottima!!! Complimenti a tutti!!!

Maximo 2 years ago

I'm reviewing my TO-DO-LIST, so many things that are incomplete for many months, one of those is this collab. I worked on the mix a little and I think it's better, but still a DRAF mix as I need to add the strings (soon) and hopefully find a Bass and Guitar players.

Andrea Tek_drum
Andrea Tek_drum 2 years ago

unfortunately many beautiful collaborations remain incomplete…

Andrea Tek_drum
Andrea Tek_drum 3 years ago

Abbiate pazienza, ci sto lavorando….spero nel prossimo fine settimana ….

Maximo 3 years ago

Andrea, Non preoccuparti, posso aspettare, ho bisogno di lavorare anche sulle altre tracce, apprezzo il tuo aiuto su questo, prenditi il ​​tuo tempo. Don't worry, I can wait, I also need to work on the other tracks, I appreciate your help on this, take your time.

Maximo 3 years ago

@Megasis : Just so you know, I don't speak Italian, but I use Google Translate. Giusto perché tu lo sappia, non parlo italiano, ma uso Google Translate

Andrea Tek_drum
Andrea Tek_drum 3 years ago

@Megasis : I uploaded the two tracks, I hope they can go well ..... hopefully

Maximo 3 years ago

@Andrea Tek_drum : Thanks, great tracks Andrea, I did a full mix (but no EQ yet), I think it sound great. I will add probably one or two tracks with the strings sometime next week.

Andrea Tek_drum
Andrea Tek_drum 3 years ago

@Megasis : Suona bene...

Maximo 3 years ago

I re-recorded the Keyboard track, fixed the chord that was wrong and also modified the sound so It closer to the original sound, or at lease that's what I think. I will add Strings next, hopefully this long weekend (Monday is a Holiday here, 4th of July)

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