
Protis - Embrace The Music (Bandhug Theme Song)

81 Views 3 plays
    Published on 30 Jan 2021 / In Pop / 2020s

    This is a original song I wrote as part of I Heart Songwriting Club. The members of the Club are given a new theme and guideline to write to each and every week, and this song was written to the theme of "Hug." I immediately thought of Bandhug, and later on I decided to submit this as a possible contender for Bandhug's theme song. Only the third verse explicitly talks about the collaboration site, but I feel like the whole song could work here.

    I may have made my own recording, but I would very much like to turn this into a collab. Feel free to submit whatever you think would work, as my recording can just be used as a guide.


    VERSE 1
    I feel the good vibrations
    Sending shivers down my spine
    I hear such perfect harmonies
    That sound oh so divine

    Music matters to young and old
    No matter who you are
    Now please sit down and listen
    As the journey takes you afar

    Wrap your arms around the songs
    And share a warm embrace
    Music calms the body and soul
    And makes you feel great

    Go and put your records on
    To set the mind at ease
    Feel the beats and rhythms
    Then enjoy the almighty squeeze
    Embrace the music

    VERSE 2
    I am a really good hugger
    Or so I have been told
    I love the feeling of TLC
    And it will never get old

    Just hearing chords and melodies
    Will fill you with great joy
    The same thing can be said of hugs
    They're there for us to enjoy

    Wrap your arms around the songs
    And share a warm embrace
    Music calms the body and soul
    And makes you feel great

    Go and put your records on
    To set the mind at ease
    Feel the beats and rhythms
    Then enjoy the almighty squeeze
    Embrace the music

    VERSE 3
    A place where we can make music
    Can only be found online
    We jam with folks from across the globe
    And have a really good time

    Be it drums, guitar or keyboard
    Whatever you play, we don't care
    The music site is called Bandhug
    We'd love to see you on there

    Wrap your arms around the songs
    And share a warm embrace
    Music calms the body and soul
    And makes you feel great

    Go and put your records on
    To set the mind at ease
    Feel the beats and rhythms
    Then enjoy the almighty squeeze
    Embrace the music
    Embrace the music

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    5 Comments sort Sort By

    DIESEL88 DRUMS 4 years ago

    Push the Envelope.... My Friend....

    DIESEL88 DRUMS 4 years ago

    O.k. Protis - Here is my revised Drum part.

    Romulo Salas
    Romulo Salas 4 years ago

    Well done!

    Carol Grand
    Carol Grand 4 years ago

    great job!

    Protis 4 years ago

    Thanks so much Carol!

    brian mcallister
    brian mcallister 4 years ago

    I Think you did Great . I especially love the Chord progression :-)

    Protis 4 years ago

    Thanks for the kind words.

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