"Midnight Confessions" - The Grass Roots (Completed)
11 plays
Published on 25 Aug 2020 / In
Rock / Classic Rock
The Grass Roots -- A Great L.A. Band
SteveD -- Bass / Guitar / Organ / Horns
JB Raccoon // Creek - Vocals
DIESEL88 - Drums
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DIESEL88 Hi organ seems way out of sync, wouldn't mind a shot at a remix ( did you add the draft track back in ? that was problamatic )
JB Raccoon // Creek // SteveD --- Published. Awesome. Thank You.
O.K. here's an organ part, couldn't grab a real cheesy 60's vst , free ones sounded lactose free and the only good ones ( I found ) were to expensive , meaning not free ( ! got no cash flow!!). This was fun, if you've got anything similar keep me in mind ( need to work on my keyboard playin' )
Published Horns --