"Wynona's Big Brown Beaver" -- Primus
48 plays
- NeedsGuitar Lead
Published on 11 Oct 2020 / In
Alternative / Rock
A funky Jamming tune.
Also : I want to be a cowboy sealed in a verhermetic sealed suit.
Jamming out in the barn. Thanks.
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Primus is an American Rock band formed in El Sobrante, California in 1984.
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Guitar Lead |
a jamming guitar needed.
DIESEL88 - Good morning Donny. This one is kind of a mess eh? Looks like some tracks got broken - my bass track has no audio. Maybe I should redo my bass track. I'll put it on my list!
DIESEL88 - Hey Donny can you pls change track#1 to any other track #? I think it should "un-skew" all the video after the next publish. It looks funny right now. We need a guitar player...
Looking for a screaming guitar.....
The cowboy suits in the video are so crazy! I can barely imagine what it was like to wear those. Were those their real hands? Fingers look puffy and cartoonish. Are hands too big, or are they playing with scale model instruments to make hands look big? How did they not die of heat prostration glued into those things? Glued right onto their faces? So strange.