Rolling Stones - Miss You
68 plays
- NeedsDrums
- NeedsGuitar
Published on 30 Aug 2021 / In
Rock / Classic Rock
Rolling Stones - Miss You
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Talent | Invited | Reserved |
Drums | ||
Guitar | Darkblood |
You bust the funk outta that - sounding great!
Guys - souinding ace , hope you dont mind if i laid down some drums for you guys sync setting was at -00:00.151 if you need it
No it isn't. She's Darkblood!!!! In the same frame and on the same continent as 1983electric!?!? Well how extremely freakin' cool is that? Very extremely freakin' cool indeed!!! How did you two manage that? Last I checked, the wide, cold, stormy Atlantic Ocean was in between France and the USA. And COVID has kind of put the kibosh on lots of people's travel plans. Wowie zowie, jabber jabber, enthuse enthuse...
Woah! Is this the BandHug debut of Ms 1983electric? Well how cool are you all? Very cool indeed. Looks like you all are having fun with this one. :-D
@1983Electric you have all Bill Wyman's excellent disco-flavored bass stylings on lock. Nicely played!