Rolling Stones - Under My Thumb
10 plays
- NeedsBass Electric
- NeedsKeys Piano Electric - Rhodes
- NeedsDrums
Rolling Stones - under My Thumb
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Talent | Invited | Reserved |
Bass Electric | Jamesarc | |
Keys Piano Electric - Rhodes | ||
Drums |
Thank you DrumrDad ....
joeykaraoke I submitted some marimba. Hope you can use it. Bill
would like to add Drums.... Thanks - ti's Rolling Stones'week ......
I did a few try-outs just no but it dont sounds right in my ears. Can you see im Draft mode ? I played it all in the official key but to me sounds as all is a half step down ....
I did this one for Serena in France to play. See if there is room for rhythm guitar after she does a track I guess?