Scorpions - When The Smoke Is Going Down (Completed)
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When The Smoke Is Going Down is a great classic! From the 1982 Album Blackout (the 8th Album of the Scorpions), this ballad has all the emotion and classic feel of a Scorpions hit. Most people don't know that the album cover is a self-portrait of artist Gottfried Helnweinis. Any fan knows the Blackout Album was one of the biggest in Scorpions history with the #1 song of No One Like You being one of the songs and propelled the Scorpions to the top of the rock charts in the early 80's.
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Hey @ukelelejay I left a voice track, just in case, cheers!
Oh boy, nobody can do vocals as Klaus. He is the one and only. Maybe i can give a try, not as high as he does, but if you don't mind?
Need someone with some Klaus vocals...
Thats impressive playing the Bass on the EWI!, Thanks for invite only doing songs at the moment that i already know due to other commitments. Easy song to track so ill add it to my list. hopefully no sync issues my side.
EWI ,very cool and interesting..make and model of that instrument ? you just made me lookup ewi's on youtube