stevie wonder isn't she lovely
36 plays
- NeedsSaxophone
- NeedsDrums
- NeedsGuitar Rhythm
- NeedsKeys Organ - Hammond and others
- NeedsVocals
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Talent | Invited | Reserved |
Saxophone | ||
Drums | ||
Guitar Rhythm | ||
Keys Organ - Hammond and others | ||
Vocals | Petek |
fredbass30 has not responded to PM comments or email. It looks like he was active yesterday. I published this for now.
Great vocals Petek. They shine.... nice. Thanks.
fredbass30 You should be able to publish now if you want to. Please respond.
Cool.... Sounds good.
fredbass30 - I just added a piano+synth track for your review. I also added a test harmonica solo. Let me know if you want me to do all the harmonica sections (redo the solo and add some during the outro). You can also disregard my submissions if you had someone/something else in mind for those parts.