Stick Season by Noah Kahan (Completed)
60 plays
Published on 13 Jul 2024 / In
Rock / Prog/Progressive
Released by American singer-songwriter Noah Kahan in July of 2022. His music, and this tune resonates with fans around the globe and is a favorite sing-along by many.
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Jason, Kim, Ev and Lynn...fantastic job with Stick Season. Would be hard enouph to keep up with that tempo of we were all in the same room, but did it 1200 miles apart. And Ev- 9 years old and doing those vocals is unbelievable- great job. Jason- made some timing and mix changes, so let me know what you think needs changed. After making those changes will mark as Complete. Also got to thank Dennis for helping with the early technical difficulty on the Cello track.
Hey Jase, thanks for that drum track, tight on the tempo and that old electronic kit sounded pretty good. Look forward to any of the other girls jumping in on vocals and having some fun with the song they wanted us to do.
Ev..wow, one of the best vocals I have heard on Band Hug ! You did a fantastic job.
Great addition Kim with jumping in on the Cello. Makes this a special version !
Lynn, thanks for adding a little Uke Banjo to the mix.