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The cult - Rain

200 Views 27 plays
Jez Jennings
  • NeedsVocals
Published on 07 Apr 2020 / In Rock / '80s Rock


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Talent Invited Reserved
Vocals Jamie68rainmakerx97
10 Comments sort Sort By

Fuss Mussington
Fuss Mussington 2 years ago

Thanks for the chance to necro this awesome tune that nobody seems to have ever heard. It's one of my favorites now.

Jez Jennings
Jez Jennings 2 years ago

Thanks dude for the great vocals

Markopolo1969 3 years ago

Go for it dude

Fuss Mussington
Fuss Mussington 3 years ago

@Markopolo1969 sorry if you get spammed with thumbs on and off messages. I meant to give one thumbs up and it ended up flashing maybe 6 times. Jez too. Someone is going to scream, "Knock it the F off with the thumb!!" LoL. Finishing up a promised drum track then dropping this. Hope it does justice to the excellent work thus far. Beware the thumb!!

Fuss Mussington
Fuss Mussington 3 years ago

Could anyone here tell me if these vocals are available or if either Jamie or Rainmaker plan on doing them? I learned them and did a test run to get the FX and made sure the spandex still fit. They don't but that never stopped me before. I messaged Jez and he hasn't been online in a while (a week) so tonight I may submit them but let it be known if they are spoken for then you can have em right back. I never want to do the dick move. Plenty of other songs in the sea. This is a good one though and you guys nailed it!!

tudan 4 years ago

this sounds fantastic guys - looking forward to hearing it finished

Jez Jennings
Jez Jennings 4 years ago

Thank you, sadly it's sat for a while with no vocals, not sure who to invite as don't know who would know it

Markopolo1969 5 years ago

this sounds really good

Jez Jennings
Jez Jennings 5 years ago

Not bad is it

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