The cult - Rain
27 plays
- NeedsVocals
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Vocals | Jamie68rainmakerx97 |
Thanks for the chance to necro this awesome tune that nobody seems to have ever heard. It's one of my favorites now.
Go for it dude
Could anyone here tell me if these vocals are available or if either Jamie or Rainmaker plan on doing them? I learned them and did a test run to get the FX and made sure the spandex still fit. They don't but that never stopped me before. I messaged Jez and he hasn't been online in a while (a week) so tonight I may submit them but let it be known if they are spoken for then you can have em right back. I never want to do the dick move. Plenty of other songs in the sea. This is a good one though and you guys nailed it!!
this sounds fantastic guys - looking forward to hearing it finished
this sounds really good