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The Girl I Can't Forget (Adam Schlesinger/ Fountains of Wayne)

105 Views 29 plays
  • NeedsBass Electric
  • NeedsDrums
  • NeedsTrumpet
Published on 13 Apr 2021 / In Rock / Power Pop

My Adam Schlesinger memorial tribute month rocks on! This is a super fun example of what one might call a plot-driven song. It's in A major and it's as fast-paced as the story it tells. It's from Fountains of Wayne's 2005 compilation album 'Out Of State Plates.'

I feel in my heart that I really should cover this as a full-tilt ska song. As far as I can tell no one has done that before. That will be a more ambitious project for another day. This time out let's just try rocking it really fast and hard while keeping it pretty true to the original downbeat rhythm.

I'll invite a few of the usual suspects, but this collab is open to all. If you want a piece of this action then please do not hesitate to ask.

Rock 'n' roll!

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Talent Invited Reserved
Bass Electric Bassman75
Drums DIESEL88
8 Comments sort Sort By

Surferbeto 2 years ago

@DIESEL88 DRUMS i just gave this another listen and I'm really impressed by how rocking your drum track is. That full 2 measure drum flourish/windup coming out of the quiet section into the Outro just kicks ass!

DIESEL88 DRUMS 2 years ago

. it's a great story and great song... So much fun.... Thanks....

DIESEL88 DRUMS 2 years ago

Surferbeto Thanks 4 the new click.... Here U go.

Surferbeto 2 years ago

@DIESEL88 So I created a new Backing Track to which I added a 2 bar click track count in (click track continues for about 9 bars into the song). And I adjusted time on all existing tracks to preserve sync. Should now be a whole lot easier for us all to hit the ground running in the Intro. I wonder if you'd like to try recording another take on your drum track?

I have a couple other observations that might help you hit "drum track take 2" out of the park. See what you think:
1) This song is full of places for Crash and Ride cymbals. You use both very effectively (keep it up!). But in places (like 2nd half of verses?) it sounds like you've got a third cymbal going that quickly creates sonic mush and starts obscuring everything else. Maybe lose that one, or play it differently, or something? That third cymbal as currently played really muddies up the sound.

2) The beat of this song is very forward-leaning. Lots of crashes a sixteenth beat or so ahead of the downbeat. Those are all great and defining elements of the song (keep it up!). But sometimes when you settle down into the simple, stripped down snare and high hat 4/4 timekeeping mode (as during verses) there is something about it that feels like it's tripping us up. Making us stumble. Holding us back rather than leaning forward. I'm not quite sure what it is - maybe it's something about the double beats on the kickdrum? If you could identify and improve upon that element it would add a lot of value. I like that the drums get simple and down to business in the verses. Eliminate that hiccup and we'll be humming along like a racecar.

3) Just a couple of thoughts. If after careful consideration you conclude that my suggestions are bogus then just play whatever you want. Rock on!

Surferbeto 2 years ago

@DIESEL88 Thanks for the drum tracks. Are the two identical? I adjusted sync modestly and they clicked in pretty well - except for the Intro which sounds a little ragged.

DIESEL88 DRUMS 2 years ago

Track updated. please review. Thanks.

DIESEL88 DRUMS 2 years ago

DRUM TRACKS SENT ... Please review.. thank you.

Surferbeto 2 years ago

Awesome Diesel88! I especially Ike all the crash cymbals and the big flourishes in the Outlook chorus. I'll publish when I'm on my big screen tomorrow. Rocking good! Thanks man.

Surferbeto 2 years ago

@Surferbeto: outro chorus...

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