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The Real Me - The Who (Completed)

85 Views 20 plays
LocProg Sandro
    Published on 13 Sep 2020 / In Rock / Hard Rock

    One of the best song of all time. Thanks to all the fellows that played this song with me.

    Joeykaraoke: Vocals;
    Cbgb (Bob): Drums;
    Thx1138 (Frankie): Guitar;
    Staccmo67 (Gary Badger): Trumpets;
    LocProg (Sandro): Bass

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    23 Comments sort Sort By

    Revup67 4 months ago

    Great song selection - smoking bass lines just like the Ox. Loved the horns too.

    Gary Badger
    Gary Badger 4 years ago

    Here are some trumpets for you. Hope you like them.

    LocProg Sandro
    LocProg Sandro 4 years ago

    Really great!!!! Really, really great!!! Thank you very much!!!!!!

    LocProg Sandro
    LocProg Sandro 4 years ago

    It was absolutely worth waiting for the arrival of a trumpet player !!!!!!!! Thank you very, very, very much!!!!

    Gary Badger
    Gary Badger 4 years ago

    @Sandro : Thank you. Was fun to bash this one out.

    Gary Badger
    Gary Badger 4 years ago

    I'm happy to add the trumpets if you like.

    Bob 4 years ago

    Where have you been, Gary? Miss you, man. I think I can answer for Sandro with a big, yes!

    LocProg Sandro
    LocProg Sandro 4 years ago

    Go!!!!! Thank you very much!!!!!

    Gary Badger
    Gary Badger 4 years ago

    @Bob : Thank you. I don't have the time that I used to, but this caught my eye and I know I can do it easily enough.

    LocProg Sandro
    LocProg Sandro 4 years ago

    thx1138 joeykaraoke cbgb : It is very difficult to find brass or trumpet players, I would like to .. But I think I will make the piece complete as it is. What do you think about it? Any suggestions? Anyone running it with keyboards (mmmmmm........) ?

    joeykaraoke 4 years ago

    I'll try sharing it on the BH collaborations page on FB and see if anyone volunteers.....

    thx1138 4 years ago

    I am ok either way. Keys/brass would be nice. But no one says we have to do an exact cover. If it sounds good it is good ! Thanks again for the invite.

    Bob 4 years ago

    Sounds great, guys.

    LocProg Sandro
    LocProg Sandro 4 years ago

    Hey Bob, how did you mik the drums? Sounds really good! I would like to imitate you for miking my daughter's drums.

    Bob 4 years ago

    @Sandro : I only have three mics but a 4th would be nice. I have one dynamic mike on a short stand sticking into the air hole in the front skin on the kick drum. Then I have a condenser mic over by the floor toms about halfway between rid cymbal and beater skins on the floor toms. That mike is facing down about a 2' away from dkibs and cymbals. The 3rd mike is also a condenser and is on a stand about 5' off the floor and 4' in front of the mounted tom and crash cymbals. I should have a 4th dynamic mike aimed at the high hat. It would be nice to adjust that one for the song you're playing. A lot of times on certain recordings you can't hear my high hat. I end ip fudging it with EQ.

    Bob 4 years ago

    Lol. Sorry about typos. On my phone.

    Bob 4 years ago

    You have to position the condenser mikes for the room sound, so far enough away from the drums that a hard hit or cymbal or drum won't cause distortion but close enough that you won't lose sound with a light touch.

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