Till There Was You (Beatles) (Completed)
70 plays
"Till There Was You" is a show tune written by Meredith Willson, popularised by his 1957 stage production The Music Man and its 1962 movie musical adaptation, and further popularised by The Beatles cover.
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Hi Stu; I don't think the latest version has been published, better remove BT as well.
yoshikoba Maurizio: Gentlemen, this one has really been a pleasure! Thank you and hopeto see you soon
Ciao, nel mio DAW ho registrato la traccia vocale + la base senza la voce originale. Spero vi piaccia!!!
Maurizio: Ogni volta che sei pronto fammi sapere--Grazie :-)
I added lead guitar..I think I did well myself.Hahaha,,Please give me a compliment too.\(^^)/