Mrflat michaeldixon RicBass - thanks for bringing the timing to my attention. The bass was moved from -.083 to -.117 and the rhythm guitar was moved ever so slightly to -.011 applied DAW settings then Published on 11-10-2024 10:30pm PST Hoping this sounds better :)
@Mrflat: bass guitar comes in too early ; Drum is fine ; Piano is fine but inconsistant ; vocals are the bass is the offending one and it has to be moved so it comes in a bit later
@Mrflat: maybe you are right about the bass. I have done the piano over so many times I have listened to count in order to bring it to Revup67’s standards. I am done with the piano. It is consistent as it’s going to get . I think the guitar is much closer in feel now. The whole thing sounds pretty good to me but there is always room for improvement., I just don’t want to feel like we are beating a dead horse with this one!
@Michael Dixon: you are right...but moving the bass would greatly improve the groove and tightness..if you listen to the bass along the backing track, you will find it comes in too early
MrC was the original. We both agreed to eliminate his recording. I may have forgotten to remove the Help Wanted and add you. I'll take care of that ..thank you.
Very awesome. Every body on time and tight. I could listen to you guys all night
Alright, arejay222!
Best mix yet! Good job Revup67 and everyone who was involved.
Mrflat michaeldixon RicBass - thanks for bringing the timing to my attention. The bass was moved from -.083 to -.117 and the rhythm guitar was moved ever so slightly to -.011 applied DAW settings then Published on 11-10-2024 10:30pm PST
Hoping this sounds better :)
Hey guys..just submitted my guitar track and a mix...this collab has timing issues...I am perfectly timed with the backing track, but sound off