YYZ - Rush
189 plays
- NeedsDrums
Published on 10 Aug 2022 / In
Rock / Prog/Progressive
"Wow, amazing... you can play YYZ."
"First of all, it's YY Zed! Second of all, no I can't yet, it's impossible..."
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Talent | Invited | Reserved |
Drums |
BlackPage Drums?
No drummers?????? :( :(
Hey if anyone finds a drummer willing to subject themselves to this, please point 'em this way!
Well, this is my bass track. It's really a long way from being considered good but it's the best I can. I hope you like it, if not feel free to remove it... Thanks for the invitation and for trust.... ;)
MikeWalker I apologize for the delay, but I finally sit-down to record 3 Synth tracks, let me know if you like them.