Michael Dixon
Michael Dixon

Michael Dixon

Keys Piano Acoustic,United States


Have played keys for 55 years. Rock, blues, and country. I was in a Beatles tribute band for 2 years.
Also, I play the accordion and have access to many orchestral instruments using Apple GarageBand on Mac. I have many songs on YouTube, https://www.youtube.com/@michaeldixonyoutube/videos
United States

More Info
Talent: Keys Piano Acoustic
Talent 2: Keys Piano Acoustic
Talent 3: Keys Organ - Hammond and others
Talent 4: Keys Piano Electric - Rhodes
Talent 5: Keys Harpsichord
Talent 6: Surprise me
Talent 7: Accordion
Music Preference: Rock
Talent 8: Rock
Talent 9: Blues
Talent 10: Country

Social links