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Michael Dixon
16 Aufrufe

Abbey Road #9 - You Never Give Me Your Money - The Beatles

55 Aufrufe 49 plays
  • NeedsBass Electric
  • NeedsVocals
  • NeedsKeys Piano Acoustic
  • NeedsDrums
  • NeedsGuitar
Veröffentlicht auf 05 Oct 2024 / Im Rock / Classic Rock

"You Never Give Me Your Money" is a song by the English rock band the Beatles. It was written by Paul McCartney (and credited to Lennon–McCartney), and thematically documents the personal difficulties that were facing the band. The song is the first part of the medley on side two of their 1969 album Abbey Road and was recorded in stages between May and August that year.

The song was the first one to be recorded for the medley, which was conceived by McCartney and producer George Martin as a finale for the Beatles' career.

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Talent Invited Reserved
Bass Electric CyberBass
Vocals jdOzman
Keys Piano Acoustic YvesC
Drums cbgb
Guitar hotpico
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CyberBass 4 Monate vor

Maybe we need to make this properly listed now that we have some tracks? All in favour?

YvesC 4 Monate vor

Hi Rob, doesn't matter to me, 'unlisted' and 'Private' don't 100% work as they should. As soon as there's a comment, it is seen in Comment-Feed.

CyberBass 4 Monate vor

@YvesC: haha I didn’t know that Yves! Had an unlisted collab get 8 views and I was like, whaaaat?

Bob 4 Monate vor

Comments can be a problem.

Claude 4 Monate vor

Also I will need some indication for the ending. Should we apply a fade out on our individual tracks or will you do this globally, wich would be best I think. I realize that one of my guit have some sort of fade out but not the other one, ha ha. And the sync at the end is crucial if we want it to be listenable to the end. The tempo picks up at the end on the original. I made myself a tempo track to stay on the beat. I can share it if you want. Just ask.

Bob 4 Monate vor

Yes. A bit of a surprise for me. Is that tempo change on the original recording or some kind of YT or digital processing artifact that got added?

Bob 4 Monate vor

Very nice tracks, btw. Top notch as usual.

Claude 4 Monate vor

@Bob : Thanks Bob, your track is excellent too. It was a surprise for me too when I realized that the lenght of the BT was a bit longer than the original. I first used the original and some AI to remove the guitar from the mix for recording purpose. I wanted to work with the original to compare the tone and the relative volume of the guitar parts of my mix with the original mix. I then realized that my records couldn't be fully in sync with the whole duration of the BT. There was some kind of slipping as the song progress. I made some comparisons and found that the BT duration is longer, 100,08% of the original. I then stretched the original to that amount and then BT and original were in sync. I had to redo all my tracks. Strange.

YvesC 4 Monate vor

Hi Claude, can't you stretch-edit your tracks ?

Claude 4 Monate vor

@YvesC: Hi Yves. Audio I can. Video I don't know. But it's done now.

YvesC 4 Monate vor

I could have stretch the video for you. Would work better if your source is >15 FPS. Next time :-)

Claude 4 Monate vor

@YvesC: Good to know. Thanks!

Bob 4 Monate vor

@Claude : this isn't the first time I've experienced tempo glitches on Bandhug. It doesn't happen often but there have bern song that I'm playing to and into and all of a sudden I'm not on the beat, so I cancel and start again and sure enough it happens again in the same place. I usually catch it right on the third try but there should not be a tempo change like that in a song. I think republishers of unofficial YT videos that are copyright protected fiddle with them to get by the algorithm.

CyberBass 2 Monate vor

hotpico - Claude, I recorded to the BT as reference and I think we sound ok until the very end as the fade becomes more extreme. Do you think adjustments need to be made? We also need some water-filled china and crickets for the ending lol

Claude 2 Monate vor

@CyberBass: Fantastic track Rob! And the sound is very Beatles esque. I love it. The ending is going to be hard to achieve correctly. I reversed the original fade out to hear correctly what was going on and try to follow the original groove. But having everyone in sync will be probably impossible. We will have to shorten the fade out I think.

CyberBass 2 Monate vor

@Claude : Thank you so much! I spend waaaay too long on my tone lol. Even bought a new pedal. Joyo American does a decent Fender Bassman AND I put some insulation under my strings near the bridge for that dead sound. I think I will just fade out the whole combined track when we are done uploading and mixing. Not sure yet how I will do that. Or I will fade out each track individually and re-upload

Claude 4 Monate vor

I sent 2 guitar tracks. I tried to follow the original mix of the guits so there should be place for the other instruments and vocals. I grouped the many guitar parts onto 2 tracks so as not to create too many tiles. I will be able to adjust the mix when all the other parts are present. For now, this is the best I can do. Hope you'll like it.

CyberBass 4 Monate vor

hotpico - Claude, the tone, the video edits, the guitar work, the audio edits! You set the bar my friend that was absolutely fantastic. You obviously spent a lot of headphone time listening to the Beatles! Super happy thank you

Claude 4 Monate vor

@CyberBass: Oh yes, I did :D Happy you like it

YvesC 4 Monate vor

Super-awesome guitar work Claude !

Claude 4 Monate vor

@YvesC: Thanks Yves!

YvesC 5 Monate vor

Whoa! well done Bob! You sent your track before the collab existed :D (I think a little +00.032 would help, agree?)

Bob 5 Monate vor

Thanks, Yves. Yeah, a little bit improv I'm afraid, as usual for me. Haven't listened to it other than a couple times on phone, which is all high frequency, but a good way to check timing. I think too early to tell. For one thing, there are two BTs. I didn't realize that when I recorded. There's some resonance going on.

CyberBass 5 Monate vor

@Bob : Excellent Bob! I'm tight for time rn so I did a quick sync, dropped the other BT and published. Back soon!

Claude 5 Monate vor

Thanks for inviting me Rob. It's in my to-do list :-)

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Michael Dixon
16 Aufrufe