Ace - How Long Has This Been Going On
78 plays
- NeedsVocals
- NeedsBacking Vocals
Published on 26 Mar 2021 / In
Rock / Classic Rock
Ace song by a band called.... Ace
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Talent | Invited | Reserved |
Vocals | joeykaraoke | |
Backing Vocals | joeykaraoke |
Track in Studio. Hope you like. thanks for the invite. : )
guitar uploaded , I made my own guitar solo, the solo on the record is boring lol . let me know if it's ok, thank you for inviting me .
Solid Groove folks.
The keys are submitted Jim. After the guitars I'll redo if I have to. Nice song and great work for both of you.
This from wikipedia - Although widely interpreted as being about adultery, the song was in fact composed by lead singer Paul Carrack upon discovering that bassist Terry Comer had been secretly working with the Sutherland Brothers and Quiver. The ‘friends with their fancy persuasions’ cited in the lyrics are said to be in reference to The Sutherland Brothers and Quiver’s management.