Collab of the year 2024
Aqualung - Bob
Collab of the year 2024
Aqualung - Bob
Thank you all very much. It's completed!
I'd been up since 2:00 AM mixing a big new collab with over 50 tracks and was tired when I did the first take so I took a nap and came back. I think his time it's better. I thought about trying to add the sax part but I really don't like my sax sound, so you'd be better off getting a real sax player. I addedI added two cellos and a violin. Thanks for inviting me!
Oh I just noticed I didn’t play the part exactly like the record. I can come back and do it over if you want. Was in a hurry.
stubass: I added cello, viola, and violin. You must apply the DAW settings I saved or they will be all out of sync. Adjust the volumes as you like.
michaeldixon: Michael, would u be able to supply strings? TIA