Cher If I Could Turn Back Time
15 plays
- NeedsDrums
- NeedsVocals
- NeedsKeys Piano Electric - Rhodes
- NeedsGuitar
Published on 21 Nov 2022 / In
Rock / Prog/Progressive
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Talent | Invited | Reserved |
Drums | Grant | |
Vocals | janetvv | Notactive2 |
Keys Piano Electric - Rhodes | ||
Guitar |
@JCOOL --- I am so off LOL - please remove the track and I will re record hahahahaha - YIKES ROFLMAO
Hi there @JCOOL @JamesDobson I did send a vocal track for your consideration but I may re-record because - Cher is not really in my range. I am a xoprano and she is lower - so I am really pushing my chest and belt range on this one. Usually if I do a Cher song I transpose up a notch or two because my voice sits higher. Let me know what you think, and if it needs to be re-recorded I will try again. Also note that I put the latency on zero, mic is in stereo, gain is high only because the gain also sounds high on the BT you have up there. If any adjustments are needed, I'll make them. This was good exercise for the diaphram, and for switching from chest to head voice on a dime, so thank you for the chance to learn and practice -- bless up, D.