Eric Clapton - Autumn Leaves
80 plays
- NeedsDrums
Autumn Leaves, 1945 song, a remake à la "Eric Clapton"
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Talent | Invited | Reserved |
Drums | Cudgedrums |
thanks for the invitation but i have to respectfully decline as you will need an acoustic set for this
Drum, yep!, basically that's all that's left in the BT. Open to any and all recommendations guys. Hopefully we are all happy with our songs so far. I know I am.
Hi! occitane its done
SixStringRick carlosred Just like me, make a comment (previous) and don't advise anyone, hi hi.
Occitane53 0 seconds
For your information: Something that Desilu pointed out to me in one of our collaboration, if you want the mosaic (review, final completed video) to be at it's best, all videos should be using the same ratio, clearly, we, and majority of videos, don't follow that rule, and it's ok. The result is still very satisfactory.
Here's our stat:
Backing Track Occitane53 1280x720 16:9
Track 2 Occitane53 1280x720 16:9
Track 3 Carlosred 640x480 4:3
Track 4 SixStringRick 426x240 2:1?
Track 5 Occitane53 1280x720 16:9
Result,Mosaic: 1280x480 8:3
Just thought you could be interested to know if you collaborate with a picky perfectionist...LOL
No, not me, I'm here to have fun with music, not videos.