
FOREVER AUTUMN -Moody Blues ( Gary Barlow version ) ( cover ) (Completed)

261 Views 52 plays
brian mcallister
    Published on 03 Sep 2020 / In Rock / Soft Rock

    The Moody Blues. "Forever Autumn" is a song written by Jeff Wayne, Gary Osborne and Paul Vigrass. The original melody was written by Wayne in 1969 as a jingle for a Lego commercial. Vigrass and Osborne, the performers of the original jingle, added lyrics to the song and recorded it for inclusion on their 1972 album Queues.

    Lyrics provided :-)

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    23 Comments sort Sort By

    Pete Hanratty
    Pete Hanratty 3 years ago

    a keeper in my book

    brian mcallister
    brian mcallister 3 years ago

    Hi All . I adjusted Sound levels slightly and took advantage of the Video improvements and RE - PUBLISHED

    brian mcallister
    brian mcallister 4 years ago

    taye6 . Yes . You are correct . Your track was o/o/s . I noticed the day I marked the Collab as Complete . Now I was worried , not having the BT , what to do . Well , I attempted to re-do the Sync , I hope its OK . Your volume is on full . Now I know I can still go back and correct errors , should this happen again . You can let me know , when you get time . Thanks my friend . brian

    taye6 4 years ago

    Much better Brian !

    joeyman1 4 years ago

    Well done Brian, thank you.

    brian mcallister
    brian mcallister 4 years ago

    Hi taye6 , PeteH , joeyman1 , Triwolf , YvesC . Just to inform you , I was not completely satisfyied with my Sound Mix , while the individual tracks are Excellent , I felt the collab needed ' body ' . so I made a final attempt to improve the Sound . I will remove the BT and do final corrections to the Sync timing . Thanks for a Great Collab .

    brian mcallister
    brian mcallister 4 years ago

    Now Completed . Thank you .

    taye6 4 years ago

    @brianmcallister: Hey Brian...I think the drums are out of sync? To my ears ?

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