Genesis - Firth of Fifth (Completed)
245 plays
Published on 24 Aug 2023 / In
Rock / Prog/Progressive
Cover of Genesis - Firth of Fifth from the Selling England by the Pound album. Genesis is an English prog rock group from the early 1970s which started the careers of musical giants such as Phil Collins and Peter Gabriel.
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Hi BlackPage. So this is what I did . . . First I did my final 4th track then I downloaded it from studio, added it to my local final video, put all my 4 tracks in Studio to drafts then finally uploaded my final video into studio. I hope you like it. Sorry it took so long as I have been so limited in time while helping my wife battle through cancer. The great news now is that scans reveal that the cancer is gone!
Hi BlackPage , I submitted a 3rd bass track. Just to let you know, I am working on a video that will include all my 4 tracks in one. Don't worry, I am maintaining my volume for all four bass audio tracks keeping them and video all in sync with the backing track audio.
Bob, as always, great Bass track, looking forward to hear the rest
Paul, I've finally merge four of my tracks into one with Mellotron Strings, Flute, Synth Solo and Taurus Bass. The other track, the Hamond Organ remain the same. I made small changes to EQ and FXs to the audio for the tracks that were merged (Taurus Bass sounds fatter), overall I think the mix I did for the merge sounds pretty good. Let me know if you like it.
Paul, I upload the Flute as a separate track (for now) so you can listen to it. I'll work on merging my 5 tracks into 2 tracks, I think I'll have it ready in a couple of days.