
Hey Julie (Adam Schlesinger/ Fountains of Wayne) (Completed)

76 Views 26 plays
    Published on 09 Apr 2021 / In Rock / Power Pop

    My Adam Schlesinger memorial rockfest continues with this near perfect pop song from the third Fountains of Wayne album 'Welcome Interstate Managers.'

    This song is about a guy with a crappy job and a sweet girlfriend. It is a straight up love song filled with gratitude and not even a touch of irony. Or is it? In the video they show that Julie is actually the guy's dog (not his girlfriend), but I'm pretty sure that is a joke. But Julie never really does or says anything in this song, so who knows - maybe she is his dog. If anyone ever learns how to teach a dog to rub your back when you get home from work then tell me how!

    Anyway, the feel we're going for here is lighthearted and bouncy. The emotional substance of this song is pretty close to what Jackson Brown sang about in 'The Pretender', i.e. love as the balm that allows emotional survival for the working class. But this one is more humorous and playful. It also hearkens way back to 'Die Gedanken Sind Frei" but in a sweet bubblegum rock way. Also a little like Bob Seger's song 'I Feel Like A Number.' But less lonely, because Julie! With all the talk about meaningless numbers that don't add up, his job reminds me a bit of the place Chandler Bing (from "Friends") works.

    We can (and should!) come up with tuneful ways to interpret the bell-like keyboard fills in the instrumental interludes. Maybe a harmonica fill, or marimbas, or steel drums, or... Man steel drums would be cool! But no players are listed in the BandHug Help Wanted section. If you have a steel drum then PLEASE contact me. Your destiny awaits! :-)

    I've invited a few of the usual suspects but this collab is open to all. I could use a couple happy voices to help out with the choruses. And there's definitely a place for creative use of various hand percussion to fill out the rhythm. The tempo should be light, like skipping through the park feeling all in love, with a strong backbeat, and not swinging at all.

    This is the best version of tab out there.
    Ignore the chord diagrams at the top and look instead at the ascii chord descriptions. Those are the C2 and D9 voicings FOW's guitarist actually plays.

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    32 Comments sort Sort By

    Surferbeto 3 years ago

    New mix published - I ditched the backing track. You all sounds terrific! Thanks everybody. This was so much fun.

    DIESEL88 DRUMS 3 years ago

    That is one Sweet mix Mr. Surferbeto et a l. . . . . Thank you for the fun.

    Richard Laguna / The Guitarmonica

    greetings to all collaborators of this song in Bandhug !

    Surferbeto 3 years ago

    Hi Richard_Laguna! Como estas, amigo?

    Surferbeto 4 years ago

    Thanks Dirsel88. The way tracks come into collabs inhaphazard order, I'm not 100% sure what's new and what's old. Hand percussion on box and clear bell-like percussion newly added?

    DIESEL88 DRUMS 4 years ago

    17 TRACKS .....

    DIESEL88 DRUMS 4 years ago

    Hey Surferbeto more percussion added

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