John Mellankamp - Hurt So Good
1 plays
- NeedsDrums
Published on 04 Apr 2020 / In
Rock / Classic Rock
John Mellankamp - Hurt So Good
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Talent | Invited | Reserved |
Drums | DIESEL88 |
Covid is not the problem, now it's FIRE. Another reason to wear a damn mask, but I'm cool. So from my underground bunker, somewhere in
Sonoma County. Please keep rocking. :) Thanks...
@Diesel88 Hey, thanks for the drums! Sure!! Break out the rubber gloves for this one! I still owe you BB King! I have the lyrics written, sitting on my desk for the last two weeks. Trying to conquer my fears. : ) I hope your having a good summer despite the Covid.
Maybe --- Hand Claps?
joeykaraoke -- Here you go Bro.... more drums... Thanks.... Jamesarc ...... Fun with Guitars & Bass - vvery cool.
Awesome!! Your the man! Thanks for breathing life into this one!