Judas Priest - Living After Midnight
7 plays
- NeedsGuitar Rhythm
- NeedsBass Electric
Published on 27 Apr 2020 / In
Metal / Heavy Metal
Judas Priest cover
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Talent | Invited | Reserved |
Guitar Rhythm | Cybrcam | Cybrcam |
Bass Electric | CyberBass |
okay I hope it sync up for you I had to change the time on it to (00:00.010) & seems to be sync up \m/
Ok so I got the drums and bass lined up ok (with the help of admin), but the guitar and vocals I cannot get in time.
if you can do anything with out of sync drum track then please feel free to use. I cant figure how to get it in sync
man this is so out of sync for me , tried changing it in Daw but doesnt seem to work
added some guitar if you'd like to use. thanks