Lookin' out My Back Door - CCR (Completed)
144 plays
Published on 23 Jun 2023 / In
Rock / Classic Rock
"Lookin' out My Back Door" is a song recorded by the American band Creedence Clearwater Revival. Written by the band's lead singer, guitarist, and songwriter John Fogerty, it is included on their 1970 album Cosmo's Factory. The song's lyrics, filled with colorful, dream-like imagery, lead some to believe that it is about drugs. According to the drug theory, the "flying spoon" was a reference to a cocaine or heroin spoon, and the crazy animal images were an acid trip. Fogerty, however, has stated in interviews that the song was actually written for his then three-year-old son, Josh. Fogerty has also said that the allusion to a parade passing by was inspired by the Dr. Seuss book And to Think That I Saw It on Mulberry Street.
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Closed - Thank you dear Bandhuggers !
b33zo cbgb SixStringRick hector PeteH Creek - Hi Team ! Thank you so much for lending your time and talent ! Brilliant collab we have here ! Any last tweaks/suggestions before we close ?
Keys(Organ) sent. sync is ok at 0, I sent a mix suggestion just for my track. Sounds great all!
Creek - Hey friend ! Still in ? Need your tambo magic please ?
Hey Frank...a little acoustic for you to consider. Glad to redo if you had something else in mind.