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FEB 8th
Love You Madly - Cake (Completed)
56 plays
Published on 10 Feb 2021 / In
Rock / Prog/Progressive
Rock song by Cake
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Hi Guys - I don't know why I never went back and marked this one complete - because it IS complete! Thank you guys for all your work! Sounds good!
Vibraslap in.. might have to add some gain .. sync is at 00:07.680 and saved in DAW.. sorry it took so long.. you all sound great
gonna be a while longer for the vibraslap.... got some issues to deal with and construction going on.. can't really give you a day right now but i'll get to it soon as i can
TLJames want to do the vibraphone?
dennisski - Hi Dennis, please have a listen on this. To me, it sounds like the timing and key of the vocals are a bit off, especially at the beginning. Then you dial it in more later in the song. I tried, but seems like it's not something I can fix by moving the track. Would you consider re-recording? If not, no worries. I know you are a busy man.