
Lucy in the Sky w/ Diamonds - Elton John (Cover)

50 Views 47 plays
    Published on 25 Mar 2023 / In Rock / Power Pop

    Elton John's superb rendition of The Beatles song written by John Lennon.

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    Bob 2 years ago

    Published your DAW, Linda. Very nice. Please feel free to invite anyone else you would like to accompany you. Just give 'em a shout out here or message them. I haven't given it much time and I feel a little selfish asking people that I've just asked for something else.

    FelKeys 2 years ago

    Great tune Bob, I saw your note about missing a few things, It is getting there for sure...

    Bob 2 years ago

    Thanks. Haven't been able to get back to it for even a listen. But I did get in this replacement track..

    Flmusicgal 2 years ago

    Can I try the lv?

    Bob 2 years ago

    Hi Linda. You might want to take a wait and see approach here. I've started this one before and didn't get many takers. I think I did it on BHub and Shawn sang in but I don't think we finished it there, either. It has a lot of synth in it. I was going to ask Shawn if he wanted to try again and maybe finish it this time, maybe bring in Michael on keys. I just hadn't thought about it because this my was first take on drums and missed a couple of things. If you don't mind hanging in the wings for a bit.

    Flmusicgal 2 years ago

    @Bob : Got the other bv's set in studio & daw for you to review. Bob :-)

    Bob 2 years ago

    Feel free to improvise. I did. And I forgot the arrangement; what's here today is first take, so don't take it too seriously. more to come if anyone wants in. But if you're interested, I'm not looking for a pop cover. I want something clean, but a little more sick, iykwim.

    joeyman1 2 years ago

    hi bob , yes indeed its a huge track and song to try cover , i actually have it in my list and when i loaded it up all i could get is a bass player . i would certainly be interested if you could get some other players involved and shawn passes on you request for him to do it again . as i said its such a big vocal track and needs time to do it right but only if others were to come on board to make it worth while . im currentl moving house atm so i have to be away for a few weeks but will check in to see if theres any interest and progress . cheers joey .

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