PROPAGANDA - Fabri Fabra -Colapesce -Dimartino ( cover ) (Completed)
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Sounds great everyone!
Maurizio Nuxradio Owenks mrcguitartab Cudgebass . Hi All . I made minor adjustments to the DAW settings . Thank you @Maurizio for your vocal tracks , without you it would not have been possible to pul this off . Super Tracks from Kev @Cudgebass , that Syntheizer BASS was Perfect . Owen @Owenks , what would we do without Trumpet on our site . Awesome Track . Thank you to my favourite drummer Sante @Nuxrario , who never declines an invitation . Great Track , would like to boost your volume track , or any adjustments on the overall Collab , please advise before I mark complete ...
Maurizio Nuxradio Owenks mrcguitartab Cudgebass . Hi all . I would be Happy to call this Collab complete . The chances to have a SAXOPHONE on here , like a Live version of the Song , are slim See what you think ......?.
Hi, attention, the extra track besides the vocals is the starting base without the vocals. Eventually it will be eliminated.
Hi Brian just sent you some guitar and a DAW setting for volume on my guitar hope its ok. I see Maurizio has included the intro and outro on one of his tracks so i didnt spend too much time trying to replicate the intro sound cheers Mike