" Pumped Up Kicks " -- FOSTER THE PEOPLE (Completed)
Published on 30 Aug 2020 / In
Alternative / Rock
Bandhub Collab.
Foster the People is an American indie pop band formed in Los Angeles, California, in 2009. It
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Creek 1983Electric Published & Done Thank You.
O.K. RANDOM NOISE added. -- Bak-Trk. Gone. We're Done Here Creek & 1983Electric . . . . . Excellent groove. :) Thank You.
Good job everyone! It's nice to hear you experimenting with vocal effects too. I assume these were done offline with either a DAW or a vocal processor. Although I have heard that Bandhug has reverb now.
Also - the lead vocals' are not going to be a dude... That's my plan. @Creek ???
there's a bass mix in the daw. you might check your vocal sync again, something sounds off a bit