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she sells sanctuary - The Cult

81 Views 20 plays
  • NeedsBass Electric
  • NeedsDrums
Published on 02 Feb 2020 / In Rock / '80s Rock

The Cult

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Bass Electric 1983Electric
Drums tudan
9 Comments sort Sort By

stegokitty 3 years ago

Nicely done! I don't see how this one has been left alone for 2 years. Say, isn't there a 12-string or other acoustic guitar that does the little fill, like right after "... the world drags me down" <strum-strum-strummm> ? I know that I typically do the kinder-gentler songs, but this has always been one of my favorite hard rock songs. I heard it in the car today while doing some errands and thought "That'd be a fun one to do, if I could actually pull it off." So if you wouldn't mind I'd like to give it a shot. Of course I'll have to do some practice to make sure I don't sound like a doofus doing it. I mean who wants Mr Rogers singing "Black Dog"? hahahaha

Darecky36 5 years ago

@1983Electric great! how did you record without time shift ??????

Stephen Sable
Stephen Sable 5 years ago

@Darecky36 I have my ASIO buffers as low as I can get them without the audio popping, I have my webcam settings hard set at 360p since the site uses that, and I am using Chrome with hardware acceleration disabled (this is usually a big one for most people) . Disabling the acceleration is in the bandhug help video from Dennis.

Stephen Sable
Stephen Sable 5 years ago

the bass part for you

Darecky36 5 years ago

Dennis is it possible to record stereo track ?

admin 5 years ago

We started with recording in stereo then made a lot of changed and some how lost it. We will get it back on next big update

Darecky36 5 years ago

Ross I think You know this song. Can You record drums track. I want to see iif it will be in sync with guitars?

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